Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rain rain go away!

Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike the rain?  I am a sunshine boy. Sunshine is my thing. Rain is not.

I find rain to be depressing. Mainly because of the overcast clouds that appear so that rain can fall. It blocks the bright cheeriness of the sun. In Victoria we get a fair amount of rain. The rain is what makes this city so green year round. That is a benefit. I love the beauty of green. Nature is wonderful. The after affects of rain I like. It is just when it rains I don't like it. I don't like being wet.

Our winters here are wet ones. We do not get a lot of snow. Usually after Christmas towards New Years we get a few inches to a foot of snow then it is gone. Before and after that it rains. Winter for us is more accurately the rainy season. During this season it is cold and wet. That is what I detest the most. I can handle rain in the middle of a hot summer. It washes away the dryness, the dustiness, cools you off and refreshes you. It is unfortunate that the majority of rain we get is when the temperature is cold. So that is when I really do not like the rain.

Today it is rainy. It isn't raining heavily or hard. It is just raining in short bouts here and there through the day. In between those bouts it is cloudy and overcast and depressing. So today I am staying inside where it is warm, dry and I can turn on the lights to make it brighter and more cheerful in here. Listen to the radio and get some chores done. Rainy days may be depressing but it doesn't stop me from being productive and that helps me feel better.

I am looking forward to Spring. The flowers will be blooming in full color. The sun will be shining more. It will be warming up and I will be happier. On the upside of things, today is but a day closer to warmer dryer days that will make me cheerier.

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