Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My brain feels better.

This morning I work up feeling a little queasy. I usually feel that way when I know that I will have an intense day. Today was day two of my training for Tracheostomies. It wasn't as intense as I was expecting, but I didn't know that when I woke.

After my shower I ironed my uniform (was too busy last night with my 'homework') and gathered together all the things I figured I would need. Then I made myself some ginger tea. I find that ginger is the best thing for my stomach when I feel queasy or nauseated. It of course is just my anxieties acting up and waving red flags that I know I can ignore. If I listened to my anxieties every time they made noise I would end up a quivering puddle of jello in the corner of my hermit cave for the rest of my life. I can see how some people can find them quite debilitating.

On my way to my training session I sipped on my drink and reviewed in my head much of what I could remember and kept reminding myself that I would just be an observer for the first part of the day and the RT would go over stuff with me later on. My stomach settled as it usually does and things started off slow. The healthcare team there was great. The LPNs that I observed had great rapport with the residents and showed me some great techniques for care.

So after the observations and also doing some hands on work with trach care and suctioning (that was the really scary part), it all felt pretty good. The RT was satisfied with my knowledge and demonstration of my skills. It is times like that when I realize once again that I made the right decision to ignore the little voice my anxiety tries to talk to me with when it undermines my confidence. I find the best way to deal with is to follow the sage advice of Nike: Just Do It!

After I got home I baked some cookies, cleaned the kitchen, prepped for dinner and did a Costco run. Was a pretty good day. I have tomorrow off so I will be getting some chores around the house and downtown done. It will be a productive day. I like days such as that! I always look forward to those.

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