Thursday, March 1, 2012

Today is March 1st, which means that a really good friend has a birthday today and it is the start of the annual flower count. Today has been a great day for me. It of course started with a decent sleep, an appointment or two and lots walking around outside in the glorious sunshine. I so adore the sunshine. It totally makes my day worth it. I was also productive as I got all my appointments done, got some exercise and my Vitamin D. So all is good in my world today! Well mostly, the boyfriend is sick with a cold but that is the only downer really.

As I was walking around town getting my stuff done today I took the time to look for some blossoms to see if the season is gonna bless us with some color and I noticed that many of our Ornamental Apple and Cherry blossom trees are turning out major blooms. We will have lots of white and pink trees pretty soon. Then a few weeks later it will almost be like winter again as the petals fall to the ground like snow. Is rather quite pretty for about a month until it is over. Not much in the way of any other flowers besides the snowdrops which are pretty much done and the crocuses that are in mid-bloom right now. But you never know what will pop up if the sun keeps shining and the weather warms up. I will keep my eye open for more.

It is also my friend's birthday today. That would make him a Pisces. Pisces are pretty decent people. Although I find astrology fascinating and believe that there is truth in some of it, I don't put a lot of trust in it. Reading up on the characteristics that are attributed to each sign is but a starting point. I tend to put more worth into finding out about the person through interaction. So through interaction I have found out on my own that my friend is a decent person and worth knowing. It helps that we some common interests and outlooks. After all that is what makes a friend; the common ground you share.

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