Friday, April 6, 2012

Be a leader not a follower...

I believe most of us are taught as we grow that it is important to be independent, make our own choices and to decide how we are going to live our life. We are taught and guided in such a way that our parents hope we will become someone worthwhile. Someone important, successful, and makes a difference in this world. They had such high hopes for so many of us!  

I was told as a child that I had two main choices in life, to be a leader or be a follower. As a leader I would make my own way in this world and would be setting the standard for others to follow. Some people are able to lead naturally, others have to work on it daily. Of course there are those that just naturally follow the leader. If I was gonna be the follower I had to make do with what was set out for me as I would be stuck with it, at least that is what I was told.

I am one of those that who doesn't like to follow or lead, even though I have done both in my life and will continue to do it that way. In some situations I seem to be a natural leader and in others the follower. 

A couple years ago when I was doing my nursing course I was told by one of my instructors that I am a leader. I don't see it but she noticed that in many of the projects that we did through the course, any group that I was in, everyone seemed to defer to me. Some groups I would take charge and in others I would be put in charge. Not sure how that would keep happening but it does. I don't feel like a leader though. Maybe that is why I did so well at it; I didn't try to be something, I just was.

I know there are times when I don't want the responsibility of leadership so I don't mind being a follower. I find that I am the follower when I'm unsure of a situation or there is too much of the unknown around me. I want someone that is knowledgeable of the situation to take charge and I can willingly follow their lead. Of course the opposite is true as well. If I am the knowledgeable one then I am most comfortable being the leader; I almost demand to be so.

I am somewhat contradictory that way. Somewhat strange too!

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