Thursday, April 5, 2012

Quotes from my Life

Got busy again and forgot to post. So here is the entry for April 04, 2012...

In this blog entry I have included a few quotes that I really like and have some meaning to me in my life. I will list each one and explain what it means and how it reflects in my life.

Life is full of music and dance, make the rhythms and moves your own. This one I made into a tattoo which graces my left upper arm. I have always been a fan and had a strong love for music and dance. In elementary and high school I was in several choirs. I enjoyed singing then and to this day I still do. My voice isn't what it once was but that has not stopped me from enjoying the act of vocal expression. Dancing is something that I do when my body feels the need to physically express itself when good music is on. I am not a great dancer but I dance with my passion and that is damn good enough. This quote is one that in a nutshell expresses how you much make your own through the world with what is handed to you. Make your own choices/decisions and life without regrets.

Aim for the stars and you will reach the moon. This quote to me always meant to reach for the unreachable and in the process you will achieve the goal you really needed to reach. It also means that as long as you always have a goal in mind you will always have something to work towards and achieve. If you have reached all your goals then what is left?

Hope for the best and prepare for the worse. What happens always falls somewhere in between. This is something that my mother always told me. She was always telling me that if you lived your life in this manner you will never be unprepared for what life throws at you and you will also happy in whatever happens. It is about keeping a positive attitude and being ready for whatever.

Risk it all, for if you don't, you achieve nothing. I find that this one scares me the most. By nature many of us don't want to risk it all because we are scared to end up with nothing. We know it could happen. The quote means that you must be willing to risk it all, not that you really have to. By being willing to risk all that you hold dear you are then ready to achieve great things in your life. I have done this a few times and have been fortunate to never having fallen too far. This one goes well with the previous quote!

In order to take care of others you must first take care of yourself. By changing around a few words you can have this quote talk about Love and Respect as well. It all comes back to the fact that it all begins within You. To Love, Respect or Care for another you have to be able to do that for Yourself. If you are unable to love yourself then how are you able to love another? If you are unable to love yourself then how can you say you know what Love, Respect or Caring is all about. Self-love is important as with it you are able to understand and express it for and with others. The Love of oneself is the source of the Love you share with others. This is the same for Caring and Respect.

You must love if you hope to be loved. This quote goes hand in hand with the previous one. It is just the other side of the same coin. If you Love yourself then you can give Love to others and in return they will give Love to you. It is the whole "give to receive" idea. If you want Love from someone then Love them. The same can be said for Respect and Trust. If you want something from someone then you have to give it first. Give it to receive it. Simple as that.

Politics is for those that like to poke their noses into other people's business. I think this is one of the truest statements I have ever come across. I don't like Politics. It gives me a headache. As important as it is to stay in contact with those you love and care about and you want to be in the know about them and their life, there is a limit to how much you are entitled to know. Politics is all about not respecting those limits/boundaries. It is about telling others that you feel you have the 'right' to know it all and then judge them on it while telling them how to live. It's all Bullshit.

Life is good, life is grand, life is what you make it! I make it filled with love and am blessed! This final quote is something very personal. I truly believe that life is good, it is grand and it is what you make of it.  I make decisions every day that make my life one I can enjoy. Some of those decisions are big but most are small. Simple things like food and clothing. Other decisions relate to work and money. Some about friendships, family and love. I do my best to share my love on a regular basis and when I do that I am blessed as the love is returned.

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