Friday, June 22, 2012

A Movie Review

The other night Dan brought home a movie called "A Single Man". He heard from a friend that it was a movie worth checking out. The friend didn't say much about it but he did say that Colin Firth was in it. I like Colin Firth. I think he is pretty hot for a middle aged English man. In the movie you get to see bit of his nicely toned bod! Yum!

The movie is a bit somber as it is about a man who is trying to live his life after the death of his long time love. The setting is 1962 Los Angeles, California. The Cuban Missile crisis is on the minds of all Americans. Colin plays a British college professor who is doing his best to find his way through life from day to day.

At the beginning of the movie you start to realized that the main character is having a bit of a nightmare that sort of sets the tone for the rest of the movie. Early on you realize that since the death of his love the main character is barely living at all . You see him preparing things in the advent of his own death. He is typical of many suicidal types. He lives his life without anyone truly knowing what is going on. He hides it well.

You get to know the professor pretty well during the movie and through the development of the story you empathize with him and his heartache. If you went through what he has you would most likely feel the same. It is a romantic tale of love and loss. It is heartrending yet heartwarming tale as well. The movie has an ironic twist at the end the makes you realize life's little moments are worth cherishing.

Julianne Moore plays a great gay man's BFF. Through it all she is there for him. She loves and supports him in all things as a life long best friend does. Her love for him is a little twisted but it is all explained in the movie so you understand it.

The movie has a few hotties in it so the eye candy is worthwhile. I found that the story is what kept me going. It even had me wishing I was the one to 'help' the professor find his way into life once again.

The movie tugged at my heart strings and made me sad but it also brought to the forefront of my thoughts just how lucky I am. It also made me hope that the love I have in my life is like the kind of long term love the main character had. Every relationship I have been in has had me hoping for that. I just wish and pray mine lasts longer and that my life ends on a much better note.

If you like a good sit at home cuddle with your sweetheart type movie then you might just enjoy checking this one out. We did.

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