Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Another day to celebrate!

This May 16th my partner and I celebrated our 3rd year together. We didn't do anything special like going out for dinner, a movie or romantic walk along the water, etc. We decided to stay home and relax and just enjoy each other's company, share a sappy sentimental card, a few kisses (actually a lot of kisses) and mucho cuddles on the couch watching TV. Our furry babies decided to join us on the couch.

Our journey together actually started back in the April previous. It was April 26, 2010 to be precise.

I was out partying with my party pals and having an absolutely wonderful time. I was with my friends, having drinks, party favours and celebrating the great life I had at the time. There was nothing about that night the was negative in any way. After spending most of the evening dancing up a storm on the dance floor and flirting with several hotties I had my eye on, we decided to end the night at an after hours place and allow our evening to come to a close on a wonderfully upbeat yet mellow vibe with great music and a stylish atmosphere.

At the after hours club I ran into an acquaintance that I typically only hung out with when at the bars. We all have a few people in our lives who fill that place in our circle of people we know. He had with him his recent ex-boyfriend. After a tumultuous year and half together they ended things and figured that a friendship would be the better option for them and they had picked that night cruise the scene together.

When I was introduced to my "friend's" ex-boyfriend I was in a mental state of being where all was good and wonderful in the world and I was open to meeting new people. I am typically shy around new people especially if I find then attractive. This guy was very attractive to me but due to how I was feeling right then and there I played it bold and promptly told him that he looked good in those jeans and that he had a great ass!

the night it started
Well, he wasn't sure what to make of me. Over the course of the night I spent a great deal of time sitting with him and talking about everything and I mean everything. I was a complete open book to him that night. I answered every question he asked and many that he didn't ask. I probably even answered questions he didn't want to ask or consider. I was the open about myself. At the end of the night I was not sure whether I had played my cards right. Although he told me a fair amount about himself he still held back. I think he was trying to digest all that I had laid out for him.

The upside is that he did take my number and gave me his in return. I didn't hear from him for almost a week. You probably wonder why I didn't call him?! I figured that after all I had said to him that night, and I do recall pretty much all of it, it was in his hands. It was his choice to make the next step. If he liked me he would call. I was patient.

(L-R) Me, Dan and the one who introduced us.
So a week goes by and April has become May. Dan gives me a call and invites me out for a drink. He wants to meet at one of the local lounges for a drink to talk and get to know one another. Yes he learned a great deal about me out at the after hours rave but he wanted to see if I was the same person in a different atmosphere without all the alcohol, etc in my system.

Our conversation started out a little slow as we were both feeling shy. He tells me that he thought I was really funny that night we met. He understood that I was in total party mode and that is not how I am usually but he got a really good vibe from me that told him I was worth knowing. That and encouragement from his ex got the ball rolling enough for him to call.

What was originally only supposed to be a couple drinks and a couple hours of good conversation turned into a date that lasted well over 6hrs and didn't end till 4am with some wonderful kisses and promises of more.

The only sad part of this story is that a day and half later I left to go to Florida and Vegas for my two week vacation and we would not be able to see one another until I returned. Throughout my trip we texted every day and kept in touch. I even told him that I would go to the casino, which I preferred not to do, and I would try to win some money to buy him a ticket to come join me in Vegas. No luck there.

On May 16th I returned to the island via the ferry and he was there to pick me up. He had missed me. He realized that he really really liked me and wanted to start something.

Three years later we are still together.

The first year was all honeymoon as is typical for new relationships. Part way into the second year we moved in together. It was a huge adjustment for him as he had never lived with anyone that wasn't related to him. By the third year were doing well and working to keep it going that way. At the onset of year four life started throwing difficulties our way.

There is the theory that at the odd numbered milestones in a relationship (first year, third, fifth, seventh, etc.) various challenges will arise to try and shake you apart. I think that is what is happening to us. Thankfully this has not affected the health of couple hood. We have become stronger together. We will weather this through. Without really coming out and saying it we have made a stronger commitment to one another to fight together and make it out alive and in one healthy whole.

We are looking forward to the next three year or so. The future looks promising! It's so bright we gotta wear shades!
our first Pride together 2010

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