Monday, January 30, 2012

My Definition of Family

Misty, Toby and Dan all cuddled up
Recently I took this picture with my cell phone. Although the quality of the picture isn't the greatest it still shows you a lovely picture of those that I love the most. In this picture is my boyfriend and our pets.

If you have read any of my previous blog entries you will recognize Misty & Toby. Misty is in her usual spot on top of everything and of course Toby is snuggled under the covers as he likes to be. And as usual Dan has his typical smirk in place as I try and sneak a picture while he is on the phone.This picture shows one of those rare moments when both Misty & Toby are tolerating each other's presence in the room and on the bed. Usually She hisses and he backs off or he barks and she runs away. It is always funny when they play that game.

We may not be a typical family but we are one. Some people might even say we are not a traditional family but I disagree. I have read about and known many couples out there who have had a 'family' like ours. Your family is what you make of it. 

On the website it has this as one definition of "family":
a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for. 

That is definitely us. We are two adults and we care for our pets who are our 'children'. This our version of the traditional family. Dan would like actual children one day but I am good with the pets. I adore children in small doses. I am someone who prefers to be the doting uncle. Spoil the children then send them home to Mom & Dad. *wicked grin*

I am a firm believer in family being the social unit/group you create to surround yourself with those that love you. That unit or group will often consist of members of your biological family and people that are dear to you. I like to call this your "Family of the Heart". That is what it is. People that are close to your heart.

I am one of those fortunate ones that pretty much everyone in my biological family are part of my "Family of the Heart". And because I have many others that are dear to me I have an extensive "Family".

So in this picture you see my little family unit that is but a part of my greater "Family of the Heart".

I am a blessed individual.

It is my wish, hope and prayer for others that they find and create for themselves their very own "Family of the Heart" as I am strong in my belief that everyone deserves to be a part of such a family. I do not care if you believe as I do, whether we are friends or enemies, or if there is absolutely no connection between us, you as a person deserve a 'family' of your own. Family is what makes us who we are. Those without are really nobody.

We all deserve to be somebody. 

So this will be the last of the shmaltzy stuff for a bit as my next few entries will be about more serious stuff.
Please don't be afraid to tell me what you think.

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