Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Since my birth in 1969 I have experienced eleven (11) leap years including this one. Other than an extra day tacked onto the end of February during the year it has not been a special day in any way. For me it has just been a day like any other.

According to Wikipedia there is a quite a formula that was discovered/created to figure out our current calendar and the how/why the leap year concept would figure into things. I have provided the links below if you are curious and want to read up about it. You can add to your personal store of less than useful yet interesting knowledge. I did! LOL
It is quite an interesting read as it explains something that many of us have just accepted as a fact of life. Not many of us really know why the leap year happens and how it was figured out. Sites like Wikipedia are pretty cool as they can provide the information in a manner that is usually pretty easy to understand. Check it out.

Today is also the last Wednesday of the month. Here in Canada the last Wednesday of February is Anti-Bullying Day. The day to wear pink to symbolize that you will stand up with many others to put an end to bullying of any kind.

I had a couple friends on Facebook write comments that made excelent points. My friend Dena wrote something short, sweet and to the point. I agree with it.

The child bullies of today eventually become adult bullies in the workplace. Teach your children respect now, and help them if there is a problem. The world could use a few less assholes.

My friend Kyle wrote this one below and it is great. He shows that he understands. He has been the victim of bullying in the past. I feel that this is extremely well done. 

If anyone feels that Bullying is not a big issue, then:
  • Ask someone to push you into the locker about a dozen times!
  • Ask someone to throw your books on the floor, into the garbage or into a mud pile!
  • Ask someone to call you offensive words repeatedly throughout the day!
  • Ask someone to pull your pants down in front of others!
  • Ask someone to give you a wedgie!
  • Ask someone to text you offensive statements to your phone all day.
  • Ask someone to beat you up over and over again, today!
  • Ask someone to throw food at you!
  • Ask someone to spit in your face over and over again!
  • Ask someone to stick bubblegum in your hair!
  • Ask someone to post lies and offensive things about you on your Facebook for everyone to see!
  • Ask someone to create a "I hate you page!" on Facebook for you about you.
You would not want these things to happen to you, right!? Well, bullied children deal with this type of behavior on a regular basis. Still think Bullying is not an issue? Think again!

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