Saturday, March 17, 2012

Born this Way

Back in the Spring of 2011, Lady GaGa released her second studio album "Born this Way!". The early hype really started pushing the first release from the album as the new 'gay anthem' in America. I remember hearing about that and some of my first thoughts were wondering if either she was being a presumptuous bitch thinking she is "all that and more" (her fame had gone to her head) or her label was trying to push something on us just because she was their new star.

Because of the early hype I had decided that I would ignore the music for awhile and make my judgement later if I felt it was worthwhile. I personally don't like it when someone assumes the rest of us are gonna decide that an object, song, book, or whatever is gonna be the next BIG thing. I believe it is up to US the public to decide for ourselves.

There is an old saying that goes "when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME". I believe that when you assume something your are just making an ass of yourself. But then the big companies assume a great deal and quite often make asses of themselves in the process. ;-)

Now that almost a year has gone by and I have heard the song on the radio and seen people's response to GaGa and what she does, I find that I do like the song and there is a good message to it. I also applaud GaGa for what she stands for and what she is attempting to do for society. She showing us that she is a pretty decent role model in a weird way!

And as predicted it is becoming the new "Gay Anthem". Now I wonder if that is so because they told us it would be or did the gay community actually figure its own that it is a song worthy of the designation? A question for future philosophers to figure out.

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