Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Got a new freezer!

Years ago when I lived in the Okanagan I had a small 3 cubic ft. chest style freezer. Unfortunately when I moved I had to sell it as it would've been too much to move. When I moved to Victoria I came with the basics. I sold most of the large stuff and downsized a fair amount.

Since moving here I have not had the space I wanted for a freezer. In the few places I have lived where the space could have been made for one I didn't have the funds. Things have obviously changed over time and now we have the space and the funds.

In the place we live we have such a small fridge freezer which can hold a few things but it severely limits what we can buy and how much. Dan and I have discussed it a few times and we both wanted one; more me than him. Today I was looking through some ads and came across a few that I wanted to check out.

I had looked on www.craigslist.com and found nothing that looked worthwhile. On www.usedvictoria.com I came across several. I walked around town today wanting to check out a few. The first one was at a thrift store and they said they had sold it a couple days ago. The second one I called in advance and the man on the phone said that he had just sold it. I was hoping that the third one would be the lucky one for us. I wanted to call before I looked to make sure it was still available. It was. I made arrangements with the gentleman on the other end to check it out before dinner time.

Chest Freezer

Dan and I drove over the the Mt. Doug area and checked it out. It was very nice looking. The sellers were an older couple whose children had all moved out and it was now just they two of them. They had just renovated their kitchen and didn't need the freezer anymore. As you can see in the pictures it is in great shape for a 7yr old freezer (Kenmore brand) and it was very clean. It had some dust and dirt on it from sitting in the garage for a bit but that was so easy to clean.

He was not sure of the cubic size of the freezer but I figure it is a 5 or 7 cubic one that is just right for us.

While it sat for a couple hours I took the time clean it of the dust and then plugged in. It should be ready for use by tomorrow. That should give it enough time to cool itself down to the right temperature. I figure this week we will go do a really good shopping trip and buy some freezer goodies!

Now we can stock up on sale items that we really like. We know we have the freezer space!

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