Tuesday, June 19, 2012

To Facebook or not to Facebook...a good question.

Lately I have noticed that my time on the Facebook has been increasing. I appear to have fallen into a rut-like routine. First thing in the morning after showering and dressing, I come to the computer and check what has been happening on the site since I was online the previous night. As well I tend to go to the computer as soon as I arrive home from work to open up my Facebook account to check and see what my FB friends ahve been up to all day while I was at work. Between arriving at home from work and going to bed for the night, I know that I am checking FB repeatedly.

I feel almost like an addict. Whenever I am near the computer I automatically check Facebook. Even when I have just had a look at my news feed I will check it again less than 5 minutes later fervently hoping that something new has popped up. I check to see who has 'poked' me, updated their status. commented on someone else's status, invited me to a game or event and anything else that attracts my attention. The only breaks from it all seem to be bathroom breaks and dinner breaks with the occasional movie/TV watching when my sweetheart whines at me to spend some time with him.

Am trying to decide if I want to keep my Facebook or not. When I look back on my evening at home trying to figure where all my time went all I recall is sitting in front of the computer doing nothing but checking my news feed and reading everyone's status updates. Because I find myself spending most of my free time sitting at home on my ass in front of the computer screen I am starting to feel like I am becoming an antisocial hermit. I only seem to leave the house for work. The boyfriend complains that I give to FB more of my time and energy than I give to me.

With Summer almost here and so much that can be done with my time in the great outdoors why am I spending it all 'zoned out' on FB? Other than the sunshine the tends to filter through my window I totally lack any drive to go outside and immerse my self in the outdoors. I need to shift things around, get my backside in motion to go out and enjoy this life! FB can/will exist without me. I just need to figure how to feel like I can exist with out FB!

1 comment:

  1. BINGO - relate! FB is the "socialnetworking" that is consuming people and increasing
    anti-socialism! UG . . . .Sherri
