Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Belief, My Faith.

Faiths of the World
Here is a topic that is a bit more serious than postings about me and my loved ones. I figured I would start with a few that spoke more to what I believe in and stuff that truly shaped me in my life and guides me today.
So here is the first one.

There are many different religions around the world and each religion seems to have its many off shoots. Including the many cults that abound as well. I have explored a few religions in my years and have come to the conclusion that there is no ONE true religion and no single religion that will work for the masses.
As a society, whether Western or Eastern, we are a people that cannot see eye to eye on most things. Sure we came together and created cultures & traditions, governments & laws, countries & geographic boundaries, and religions that suited the majority, BUT, we still do not see eye to eye. Each culture has different traditions. Each government has laws that differ from one another. And although many countries are friendly with each other their over all view is "what's good for you isn't always good for us". And when it comes to religion...OH MY OH MY!! The clashes never end. It is bad enough when the people disagree with one another on differing points of opinion; when you bring someone's faith into the picture you had better be well armoured against the upcoming battle!

Through my experiences I have come to a conclusion that fits me and how I live my life. I do believe there is a power that is greater than us. I do not know if there is one power or many but I do believe there is something out there. You can call it what you will whether that is God, Allah, Yahweh, Brahma, Buddha, Krishna, the Supreme Being, the Universe, etc. Each person has their own word that will encompass it. For me it just is. No real name or title; IT just IS. I do use the word 'God' and all the other Christian derived words because that is how I was raised and taught. They are also the words that others understand when I speak. When I talk and think about it with myself I use my own words that are not a part of any one religion or faith.

Yes I do converse with myself at times. No, this isn't crazy talk. I know for a fact it is normal. We all do it in one way or another.

My mother taught me, back when she first discovered her personal faith, that each person has their own individual/personal connection to God or the Power that Is. No two were alike and therefore no one should tell you that it is wrong just because it is different from others. Since that time her view on that seems to have changed but mine has not. I still believe your connection is all your own. Your own individual personal connection.

One of the many things that drew me to religion in the first place is that sense of belonging and connection to one another. I grew up in a family that is close and very loving. So when I explored the faiths and beliefs of others I got a sense of how they belonged to something. It is this sense of belonging that truly appealed to me. Every organized religion I explored had a sense of that and it was very comforting. Unfortunately it wasn't enough. Each one had too many contradictions embedded in their belief system; I found that frustrating and disappointing. How could a system that spouts off unconditional love, peace and acceptance of all be so judgmental, inconsistent and so willing to turn their back on you when it is discovered that you are different in any way? It was this way of acting and thinking that caused me to walk away each time. In my life all I have ever wanted from anyone was Love, Respect and Acceptance for who I am. They only time I would get any of that from any religious group was if I was willing to become just like them. I had to submerge my identity within theirs to achieve the love, respect and acceptance I wanted, needed and felt I deserved. I couldn't do it, not for the long term. I am too much my own individual to submerge myself into a group identity just to be apart of something bigger. If I cannot be Me within the group then I do not belong and do not want to be there. Doesn't mean I am not a team player it just means that I have my own identity and always will.

In the process of my explorations I discovered the good and bad of the many faith systems I encountered. I chose from each what I considered to be the best parts and made them part of my person system. I wanted something the wasn't full of contradictions and incompatible thoughts and ideas. I am not saying what I have constructed will work for you. It isn't meant for you or anyone else, only me. My faith is mine alone. I do encourage others to explore more and find what works for you. Some of you have already achieved this and I will wholeheartedly support you in living your life in this way. Those of you that are still looking, be patient, you will find what you are looking for when the time is right. It is a journey of discovery that is unique to each person.

In conclusion if you can call it that, I believe what I believe. It is my Belief, my Faith. I don't consider myself Religious. I consider myself Spiritual. I accept others for who they are and what they believe even when it doesn't mesh with mine. Most times it doesn't.

I won't get into the topic of Prophets and Messiahs as that would take a book to get my thoughts and feeling across.

So a final message to you on this topic can be summed up into one sentence.

[Unconditional] Love, [Complete] Respect and [Absolute] Acceptance of one another should be the most basic principle/tenet of any faith.

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