Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Inconsiderate Idiots - A Rant.

As you will most likely know by now if you have read the previous entries, we have a dog. He is a sweet tempered lovable dog that only wants to be loved, taken for walks and fed on a regular basis. What more can a dog want; not much. Dogs are simple straight forward creatures. They are exactly what they present themselves to be, sorta like young children. It is beyond me how some people can do the nasty hateful things that have been done to dogs. (That is a topic that I won't get into as it would take way too long to rant about!) Dogs just want to be loved for they love unconditionally.

The other day Dan came home from work and we could tell that Toby was a bit off. Within minutes he was vomiting. Contained in his emesis were a few bits of undigested food, grass (cats & dogs eat grass to aide in their digestion), stomach fluids and a couple questionable things that didn't look like anything Dan fed Toby. Now I freely admit that most any dog is a natural opportunist. Any opportunity to get an extra treat or food of any kind the dog will snap it up. It appears that Toby found something on the ground and snapped it up because it probably smelled good to him. As I said dogs jump at any opportunity and this was one he couldn't pass up. Usually when we are with Toby we can stop him from eating stuff off of the ground and therefore nothing bad happens. Unfortunately there are individuals that throw their garbage on the ground and if Toby sees it before we do, snaps it up and swallows it before we can even stop him there isn't much we can do. In situations like that you cannot blame the dog as he is doing what comes natural to him. It is the inconsiderate idiot that threw his garbage on the ground instead of putting it in the trash can that lead to this situation. These people bother me.

Now Dan takes Toby to work with him on a regular basis and there are various sites that Dan works at where Toby is allowed to run free and have fun while Dan does his job. It is most likely at one of these sites that Toby found the questionable substance and took a bite thinking it was tasty. Dan is unsure if this is what happened but this seems the most likely cause. Because nothing developed until much later when they arrived home we are unable to pin point when and what truly happened.

Now there will be people that are gonna say that because he is our dog we should keep a better eye on him. As true as that is, it shows that you are not a dog owner and therefore don't understand dogs that well. They need to have opportunities to run free and be a dog. Toby is well behaved and never runs far; he likes to keep us within his field of vision. He is smart that way. Also dogs are animals and do what animals do. We are the human beings and we are supposed to be the rulers of this civilized land and it is our duty to keep our environment clean for all.

It is inconsiderate idiots that make our world the unsafe place it tends to be. It is blockheads that put the rest of us at risk. They ruin it for all others. The rotten apple that sours the barrel.

Dogs are dogs. They do what comes naturally. It is us humans that are supposed to be the evolved thinking creatures. We are the ones that have opposable thumbs and create tools to manipulate our environment to make it better for us. We are the ones that make the changes so that things are how we like them. And for those of us who love our pets we consider them when we make those changes to enhance our enjoyment of the space around us.

What bonehead thinks that throwing garbage on the ground instead of in the trash makes anything better? What dimwit believes that it is okay to ignore the consequences of their actions? What moron accepts the notion that their actions will not affect others? It is times like this that I truly abhor the imbecilic actions of people. I detest the foolish actions of others all the time but when it directly effects me and those I care about I get livid. In my daydreams I give in to my base human nature and do nasty things to those dunces. Thankfully I am a civilized person and I don't do that in real life.

As I have gotten older I have become more outspoken about it. Once upon a time if I witnessed someone throwing garbage on the ground I would curse under my breathe and go pick up their trash and put it in the bin. Now a days I will actually yell out to them to bring it to their (and others) attention. I try to embarrass them a bit to make them clean up after themselves. It doesn't always work but some people aren't total cretins and will clean up after themselves. They just had a moment where they weren't thinking. Some times as well they just didn't realize they had missed the trash can. I can forgive those easily; honest mistake. It's the ignoramuses of the world that make me want to go all "Punisher" on them.

Thankfully Toby is fine. After having a couple vomiting spells and a couple nights rest he is better. He got plenty of rest and lots of love from us. For a pet, your love is quite often the best medicine. It took a couple days before he was 100% but he bounced back and is definitely feeling better and it looks like he wants to go for a walk in a bit.

When we care enough to keep our environment clean we are doing it not just for us but for those around us. Especially for those that cannot speak up about it like our beloved pets.

And a finale message to all you Inconsiderate Nitwits out there: Clean up after yourselves! I know for a fact that your parents taught you better! Don't be stupid; use your brain. THINK!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your first rant! I spend alot of time up in 'dem dare hills' and it's not just in communities that people leave their garbage. Way out in the middle of nowhere, hours from the nearest cell phone tower there is still garbage littering the forests. It's sick and I hate it...
