Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Relationship with Dan the Man!

Caught in mid sentence.
How it started...

It was April 23, 2010. I was feeling a bit lonely and itching to get out and reconnect with a few friends and have some fun.
A month previous I ended a 3 month relationship with a rather sweet guy (details in a future blog) and was feeling the need to get out of the house.
I had spent the past month working and sleeping and not much of anything else. So I was definitely in need of an opportunity to reconnect with life and my friends had provided me with an opening to do just that.

That night we all gathered at a mutual friend's place to sit & relax and figure out the game plan for the night. Each of us had dressed up in our 'party clothes' and started prepping ourselves with a few pre-bar drinks and 'party favours'. It was building up to be an exceptional Friday night!

We started the night at out local gay night club. Not everyone in our group is gay/lesbian but we as a group always enjoyed going out the to gay bar because it was more inclusive and would allow us to be more ourselves than any other bar in town. Usually it was also the only bar that had music we ALL could like.
The night started really good and just got better as time went on. We stayed and partied it up at the bar until closing time of 2:30am. At this point most of us were unwilling to call it a night as we felt we were just getting into our grooves! Next stop, the after hours club!

Now here in Victoria, BC Canada the bars are not allowed to serve alcohol after 2am unless you have a special license. So at this 'after hours' club you had to make do with non-alcoholic beverages. The strongest beverage that they sold were energy drinks to keep the 'hyper' mood flowing. At this point of the evening most anyone there was either drunk, stoned or high on something. Yes, I was drunk and on 'something'. It was party night for me and this is how I choose to 'work it' to the maximum. Please do not take this as an endorsement of any kind. This is my life, my choice and my responsibility. Make your own choices for your own reasons. Don't base it on anyone or anything else! But I digress....

At the after hours club the music was amazing and I was in the best of moods and having a blast. I was surrounded by my friends and no one was having a bad time. Although this all sounds good, the best part was yet to come. It was here at the after hours place the I met Dan.

It was about a half hour into things at the club when I met Dan. He was out with his friend and ex-boyfriend. The ex was introducing him to a few people and one of them of course was Me! Right away I liked him, and not just because his tooshie looked really good in his tight jeans, but because he had a really nice smile. A good smile will make me weak in the knees. In the altered stated of mental being that I was in that night his smile did wonders for me and it gave me the courage to talk to him. That night because I so enamored of Dan, I made a point of engaging him in a lengthy discussion so that I could have him to myself. In the picture above you can see the two of us sitting together having a chat with my arm around his shoulders and all my focus on him too. We talked for at least an hour maybe more. I recall telling  him all about me, what I was doing, how I was feeling, what I was up to and how I felt about him. I recall that I 'laid it on thick' that night. With the help of the ex I was able to get him to give me his number and I gave him mine. At the end of the night, around 4:30ish Dan said good night with a hug. I didn't hear from him for a week.

The following week on the Thursday he called me and invited me out for a drink. It was the first time in a long while that someone had asked me out, I am usually the one that makes the call. It made me feel really good.

We met up at a lounge bar around 10pm and started talking. We talked about the night we met and how funny he thought I was. Because I monopolized his time, told him many times how hot I thought he was and how good he looked in his jeans, he felt flattered and appreciated. He told me that he got a really good vibe/feeling from me and he liked that. He had spent the whole week thinking about that night and getting up the courage to call me. We sat and talked at the lounge bar for about two hours. Afterwards he invited me to his place and we talked a whole lot more. We were up till 4am talking. We started cuddling on the couch about 2am. Finally we called it a night and I had to say good bye. I was kinda sad. I was leaving in a couple days for a 2 week vacation and I wouldn't have to opportunity to see him again till I got back.

We had drinks on the Friday and on the Sunday I left for my vacation. During the first week we texted across country (I was in Florida) once or twice a day. During the second week of my trip (I was in Vegas) we texted about a half dozen times a day and I even told him that if I won some money at the casino I would buy him a ticket to come join me. No luck there. During my final few days I let him know what day I would be returning and which ferry I would be on. So on May 16, 2010 I returned to Victoria. He was waiting for me at the ferry terminal to give me a ride home. Before he took me home though we both agreed we had missed each other too much and that we both wanted to start dating and see where it took us.
Sharing a pizza on a pitstop during our road trip.
We have been together ever since. At the time of this blog post we are only 4 months short of our two year anniversary. During our time together we have never been apart from each other for more than a week. And for the past 4.5 months we have been living together. Our life is a good one. It isn't perfect by any means but it is ours and we like it!

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