Thursday, February 23, 2012

I REALLY, REALLY appreciate my Chiropractor!

Back in November of 2011 I pulled/tweaked something in my back. When this happens I did what I usually do. I got lots of rest, positioned my body so it was properly aligned as I slept and took some Advil. After 3 days all seems better and I was back to work. Every thing was fine for about a month and then just before Christmas it all went  KABLOOEY....... My back was F*&$#D!

When my back went out the second time it was worse than it had ever been in my life. I went to bed that night feeling fine and fell asleep easily. The next morning I couldn't move. From the waist on down I had no strength and couldn't do anything. I was finally able to roll out of bed onto my feet. With my raised bed frame and pillow top mattress set the top of my bed is almost 3ft off of the floor. Rolling off of my bed onto my feet is a pretty easy thing to do, most days. This particular morning I was having such a hard time moving that I knew something was wrong. Of course the pain was a pretty good indicator too.

Once on my feet I had no ability to stand unaided. If I wasn't supporting my self with my arms on the bed I wouldn't have been able to stay upright. I was able to move around my bed towards the door and used the bed, dresser and door frame to keep myself in a mostly upright state but from the bedroom door to the bathroom door there was nothing to hang on to. I actually had to get down on my hands and knees and crawl to the bathroom, then crawl/climb onto the toilet just so I could do my 'business'. Cleaning myself afterwards was difficult as well.

I spent three days in bed after that heavily medicated with Extra Strenght Advil, A535 and Robax Platinum. I mistakenly thought that it was just another flare up of my back muscles protesting their over use. I was at a loss to figure out why it was so bad this time. I have had back issues my whole adult life and little flare ups here and there have happened all the time. A few days rest and taking it easy for the week afterwards has always worked just fine. Never before had a flare up left me with so much pain and debilitated. After about a week or so of this I finally made my way to the chiropractor office. I have tried physiotherapy before and find that it doesn't work for me. Chiropractic therapy have always worked its wonders on my spine.

L4,L5: Belt line/waist line area
After the tests and assessments it was determined that I had/have a compressed disc in my L4,L5 region. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as it felt. The chiropractor told me that if I had developed any uncontrollable bowel issues then he would've sent me to emergency for surgery. In the area where I have my compression there are nerves that control your bowels and if they are damaged enough you lose control of them and it is considered an emergency surgery situation. Thankfully I was not at that stage.

So the chiropractor started me off with twice weekly sessions to relieve the pressure to my compressed spinal disc and to help the surrounding muscles to relax back into a more supportive state of being rather than a protective one. From there we progressed into once a week appointments and it has been going well all the time.

After my first appointment back in December my pain has diminished quickly and replaced with stiffness and some subtle aches. It took almost a month before I was walking and standing straight and because of that I really appreciate what my chiropractor has done. The stiffness and aches have diminished as well and only pop up once in awhile.  With my regular appointments and the exercises & stretches he has suggested my back in returning to its normal state. Today I have a good session and all went according to plan. That makes me feel good.

So I started with twice weekly appointments and have progressed to once a week and starting next month it will be once every two weeks which in time will evolve into once a month. By summer time I will have my back the way it needs to be for optimum function. In the meantime I need to take good care of myself. Get good sleep, proper stretches & exercise, decent nutrition and reduced stresses in my life in general. Not too hard to achieve at all!

A nice little moral to this story: NEVER take your back for granted! You cannot stand straight in life without it! So now 'back' to the daily grind!  Heheeh. Had to throw in a little pun.

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