Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nature of my job.

Don't get me wrong. I love my job. It is rewarding and challenges me daily. Unfortunately it is also exhausting, stressful and causes some minor strife in my relationship. With regular time off and good sleep most of my issues with work are relieved.

The relationship strife of course is another matter.

My partner has his own ideas of how my job should be. My job will never be the way he wants it to. As a nurse in health care I work shift work. That means I work days, evenings and graveyards. When the time comes and I have built up enough seniority I will have the opportunity to post into a position that is full time and most likely days only. Until then I work as a casual doing the shifts that come my way.

My partner is fortunate the he has a corporate type job where he works Mon-Fri 0800-1600 every week. He wants me to work the same. Unfortunately Health care doesn't work that way and never has. It is typically a 24/7 job. Because we are there for those that need us we all take our turn doing our shifts so that there is some one around to assist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Patient's needs do not stop once the clock hits 4pm on a Friday and start up again Monday at 8am. 

The biggest reason my boyfriend doesn't like my job is because he feels I deserve better (love him for that) and also because he wants to be able to spend more time with me (love him for that as well). I do my best to pick up shifts that allow us to spend a fair amount of quality time together through the week and to give us as much time to enjoy on the weekend. It isn't an easy thing to organize and still make a decent paycheck. I manage as best as I can and he pouts as usual when he doesn't get what he wants. He will learn in time to accept it. 

He has been the fortunate one who has most always gotten the type of job he wants so he can live the life he has chosen. I have always been the one that has has to make do with what has come my way and adjusted my life to fit the job. It has always worked in the past for me. Unfortunately it is some thing he doesn't understand or accept. He figures I should be fortunate like him (he loves me) and should get what I want right away instead of working my ass off to achieve it (he loves me lots).

In Health Care that is the nature of my job. You have to work to achieve so that you can live your achievement. He disagrees...

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