Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sleep is my friend.

I love my sleep. I don't get to sleep like I want many days but there are times when I am fortunate enough that I not only get the amount of sleep I want but that I also sleep well.

Due to my work schedule, sleep apnea, a partner that likes to hog the bed and a dog that likes to sandwich me into the middle (between the dog and partner), I find that I don't always get the quality of sleep that I want and need.

For most of my adult life I have had the bed to myself. I am used to sleeping alone with a big bed to myself. When I am the only one in the bed I do not sprawl or stretch out to take over the whole bed; I tend to stay in one spot on one side of the bed. Ironic eh!?

When I do not get the sleep I need I become the crankiest person around. If I am forced to get up when I am still tired and cranky I will mope around all day with a dark cloud hanging over me. It isn't pretty.

My biggest problem is usually my apnea. I had myself tested back in 2011 and it was officially confirmed by medical specialist that I have sleep apnea. I have had it as far back as I can recall so the diagnosis doesn't change anything. It is nice to be aware of it and having it confirmed. I was pretty sure that it was a condition I had for years but as I am not the 'expert' it is hard to be 100%.

My symptoms are usually snoring, short periods of no breathing and a lack of regular REM sleep. It usually leads to a night of light sleeping and groggy mornings with a headache chaser. Some times I have to make do with short naps throughout the day. Sometimes little 'cat naps' of 15 minutes or more do the trick.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
After my testing the specialists suggested a CPAP machine to help improve my sleep cycle and health. A good sleep leads to good health. I tried the machine out during the test and didn't like it. It does work for me as the testing showed. I just found it to be uncomfortable and I really do not like the idea of sleeping with the mask on. I was offered the option of trialing a CPAP machine for a month but decided against it as I figured my life is okay as it is and my snoring isn't destroying my life or that of my partner's. That doesn't mean I necessarily made the correct decision. It is a decision that I am willing to live with.

Now all I need to do is find a work schedule that benefits my sleep patterns, become used to having a partner that hogs the bed and a dog that crowds me. At this point I have only had to deal with it for less than six months, the time we have been living together. I haven't gone crazy yet so I figure prognosis for the future is a good one.

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