Monday, February 6, 2012

O Glorious Sunshine

In September of 2011 I wrote a little poem and placed it in my Notes section on my Facebook profile. I entitled it "My Ode to Sunshine". Below is the little composition I wrote.

My Ode to Sunshine

Oh sunshine you bless me true
You make me happy this day
Oh how much I love you
Please my sunshine don’t go away.

When I work the nights
I close my eyes and dream
Of you shining your lights
Magically making my life gleam.

Sunshine sweet sunshine
My love will never stray
Oh please my sunshine
Never go away.

The moon is nice and sweet
But she is pale compared to you
Daily you give the greatest treat
Giving life a brighter hue.

Sunshine my true love
There is no other I see
Full of wonder from above
Shining down on me daily.

As might be apparent, I love sunshine. I never seem to get enough of it. I suffer from a mild form of Seasonal Affect Disorder (S.A.D.) and when I do not get enough sunshine I start to become depressed, my energy wanes and I become less interested in my usual activities, especially my favourite ones. If I can get 15-30 minutes of sun a day then I am my usual bright and cheerful self. During the winter months we tend to get less sunshine and the typical day is overcast with the occasional bit of rain. That is the standard winter in Victoria BC. So one of the ways I can combat the S.A.D. is with a Vitamin D supplement. Works well for me. I could get one of the those 'sunshine' lamps but they are a bit pricey. Why should I spend a lot of money when the vitamins work well and are inexpensive. The real thing is my preference of course.

My problem lately has been the graveyard shifts. Up till recently I have been working a graveyard position at work. During the winter months the sunshine is limited and the only time it has been shining was when I am sleeping. Thankfully the vitamin supplement has helped.

Now I am working a position that isn't limited to graveyard shifts so I will definitely be getting more sunshine as the months come and go. And as winter fades the sun will shine all the more. When Spring and Summer make their appearances I am a happy happy man!

I just thought that I would share my little bit of poetic writing with you. Hope you like it.

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