Sunday, February 19, 2012

Today my heart hurts...Pt2

After several phone calls and a lot of talking back and forth with his family, my boyfriend finally got the okay to go and visit his dying grandmother today; It was a good visit.

Yesterday was a day full of heartrending agony for my boyfriend. This is the only grandparent he has left. His Nana is also very special to him as she was a major influence during his childhood. She was one of the very few shining stars during the difficult years he went through. When she does die he will be devastated. I can understand. I only have one grandparent left as well and my grandma is special to me as well. I will feel the same when it happens to me. 

We drove upisland to Qualicum Beach where she lives. Dan spent about an hour previous trying to find some beautiful flowers to bring her. Finding a florist shop open on a Sunday in a small community is very difficult. Dan is also picky so he wasn't just gonna bring her just any flowers. Plus he wanted a plant, something that would live on for several weeks or months depending on how long she lives for. He eventually found something that he would be satisfied with. When we arrived she loved the plants. She loved the colors of the flowers; they brought a smile to her face. We got her a pink azalea that had a tonne of blooms on it plus a gorgeous deep purple orchid. 

Overall we spent about 3-4 hours visiting and had a good time. Nana was in a great mood, looked better than expected and was extremely happy to see her only grandson. She was happy to see me as well; she likes me! Dan made plans with his dad to come a visit again next weekend. There is no guarantee that she will live that long but everyone is hoping for the best. Dan is happier than he was yesterday. He has said his goodbyes, shared his love and given/received hugs 'n' kisses from his Nana. Anything else after this is "icing on the cake"; a bonus. My heart hurts a little still because I know that his will be shattered in the near future.

For now his broken heart is mended. 

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