Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"If you don't like the weather then just wait 15 minutes", is a common saying around Victoria. The time frame in the saying will change from person to person but the sentiment is the same. Usually during the Spring and Autumn months our weather is quite changeable and it will change multiple times in the course of one day.

Today was a good example.

I was walking down the street on my way to my hair cut appointment and along the 20 minute walk the weather  lived up to the saying. It started with a light drizzle of rain, nothing that a typical Victoria resident cannot handle. Like our Vancouver counterparts we often walk around with an umbrella during this time of the year or wear a jacket with a hood. After about 10 minutes the rain turned to a light snow. Three to five minutes later the snow became hail. A couple minutes of hail then it became a gentle down pouring of rain again. By the time I arrived at my appointment the rain was starting to ease off leaving us with an overcast grey sky; the usual.

For the most part the rain came and went today with the sun making a small appearance among the white clouds. Usually it depends on how much moisture the clouds hold and whether the winds will blow them away before they can drop their full load. In this case I figure the clouds did their part and were done. Our winds will often bring us a fair amount of changeable weather. Over the course of the past two days we had quite the windstorm bringing with it a huge deluge of rain yesterday. I love the wind except when it has the freezing cold bite to it, then I can do with out.

So as I sit here the sun is making itself more apparent and that is a great thing. I just hope it warms up too!

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