Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So today I start my first of the last 5 graveyards I will be doing for awhile. Yippee!

Back when I started with VIHA in May of 2011 I was strictly a casual employee, which is the usual way to start a job in health care. To make sure I got the hours I needed to make the pay I required, I made myself available for all shifts including graveyards. I knew that not many people would be willing to do the overnight shifts as it is difficult on the personal life. This would mean that I would be getting more calls. More calls equals more hours and pay. This would also help me to accrued as many hours as I could to build up my seniority. Greater seniority would improve my chances of getting a position with shifts that I would like better. That is what happened.

Now my seniority isn't that great still as I have only been with my current employer for less than a year. The average full time employee works approximately 1,950 hours per year. This does not include overtime. So between May 2011 and March 2012 (ten months) I have worked a total 1,150 hours. That is only 800 hours short of full time. Not too bad for a casual in the first year. By the time I reach my first anniversary with this job I will have most likely worked another 300 hours bringing my total up to 1,450 hours. That is the equivalent of a part time employee. The numbers make my seniority rating look good.

Last summer I applied for and successfully received a temporary part time position doing graveyard shifts; I started the position in September. Between September 2011 and January 2012 I worked only graveyards. It was hard. Almost six months of night shifts. Less than half of that time I was at home in bed at night with my sweetheart because of work. I would try and sleep during the day but it isn't easy when the guys upstairs are home and it is an old house with practically no sound proofing. As well my sweetheart would rush through his day to come home as quick as he could to come cuddling in bed with me. As sweet as that is it also cuts my sleeping down by 25% because I would get less than 8 hours sleep. I was lucky if I got 6 hours. My sweetheart's selfish need to spend time with me would cut down my sleeping time and affect my health and moods. He had a hard time understanding why I was grumpy all the time. He would always blame the job and the hours I worked, never himself for waking me up in the middle of my deep sleep just so he could cuddle. Trying to explain to him how his actions were affecting me is like talking to a dog about financial security; he hears the words but they only register as 'I am getting some attention'.

I love my man dearly and willingly put up with all his quirks as he puts up with mine. It is just sometimes frustrating when he still has that "It's all about me" attitude found in those emotionally stuck in their 20's. Yes I know is 27 and that is still in his 20's but he shows every sign of being someone that will one day be in their 30's and 40's and still be an emotional 20 something year old! I hope time proves me wrong.

Back in January I changed into another temporary position that gave me the opportunity to work less graveyards and more days/afternoon shifts. It has been great. I am home at night in bed more and I have had the opportunity to enjoy working with other shifts and even seeing the sunshine! This month I change positions again but this time it is into a permanent position that has no graveyards at all! Even better!

This new position guarantees me 4 shifts a week, has me working the same days each week, comes with all the benefits a job should have, provides more work based training and gives me some variety so the job doesn't become too routine or boring. I would be working alternately day shifts one week and afternoon shifts the next. No graveyards unless I accept extra shifts here and there. Overall this new position gives me greater job security and stability. I am definitely looking forward to things next week. I officially start the position on March 22, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robbie, what do you enjoy most in life?
