Sunday, March 25, 2012

The next wave of Flowers are here...

I take a lot of pictures of flowers. I love flowers. It is one of the perfect signs that spring is here and that nature is wonderful. In a couple of the wild like parks near my place we have a lot of wild flowers that grow and it is always beautiful to see them every time I go. Just like the sign in the picture says you do have to watch where you walk as you will crush the new sprouts without noticing if you are not careful. Sticking to the path is always a good idea. You can see a lot of the flowers from the pathway.
Stick to the paths
A month or so ago we had Snowdrops and then the Crocuses. Now we are getting Daffodils, Bluebells and Grape Hyacinths. We have a lot of these kinds of wild flowers in the Greater Victoria area. It is one of the things that Victoria and it's residents are quite proud of! It fits with our description as the "Garden City".
Daffodils and Grape Hyacinths
We have a city by-law that says you cannot pick the Daffodils that grow wild in the parks here in Victoria. The daffodils are everywhere. One of our most popular parks is Beacon Hill Park. The park has wild Daffodils growing everywhere. Of course every year some picks the flowers anyway; the guilty ones are typically little kids, teens and adults that just don't care what the law says.
Daffodils are everywhere.
 We also have a few 'flower farms' here on the island that grow the Daffodils. As April is Cancer month and the symbol is a Daffodil those farms make good money each year will sales and promotions. They often have signs on the side of the road asking for workers to help pick them each year. If it wasn't such back breaking work I would probably try it one year but I know already that my back could not handle it. My back would tell me it was broke before I even started.

In future blogs you will see and hear more from me about flowers. It is just one of those things I really really like. It is right up there with my feelings about sunshine and spring.

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