Sunday, March 11, 2012

OMG! I don't know if there was something in the air or there is a full moon on it's way or what. Tonight at work was so fricken crazy!

To start things off we were working short handed tonight. One of the care aides called in sick and our staffing office didn't get the message in time so they were unable to fill the shift. Therefore the care aides that were there were run off their feet all afternoon. And because they were so busy, the residents who needed assistance couldn't find anyone to help them except me. I was busy trying to get my regular duties done in a timely manner and as well I had several residents calling for help every 30 seconds and others tracking me down looking for assistance. I had residents following me around looking for something to do every 5 minutes. I had residents acting like they were staff and getting into all the staffing areas and getting irritated when we would boot them out. It was just one after another over and over until it was time for everyone to go to bed for the night. UGH!

Thankfully I made it through my shift repeating my personal mantra " I LOVE MY JOB! " over and over again. I kept saying it hoping to convince myself that I do love my job. Yes I do love it but tonight really pushed me to the limit of my love for my job! Tonight was a night that I came close to really not liking it. I am just happy that nothing serious went wrong or anyone became injured, ill or died. 

There were a few that I wanted the wring their wrinkly little necks just to get them to smarten up and stop acting like 3 year children. I know that each of the care aides was pushed pretty close to their personal limits too, especially with one patient that kept calling out every 30 seconds or less. 

I know there will be more shift like that in my future. I am just praying that they are few and far in between. Thankfully I now have the next two days off. I am not gonna except any more shifts regardless of the over time being offered this week. I need my two days off just to recoup and prepare for the five graveyard shifts I have next week.

Off to bed for me. I need the sleep! YAH! I GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW MORNING! YAH!

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