Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sleep is my friend!

Yesterday was a tiring day. Not sure if it was the wonky weather, the slow pace at work or the lack of sleep I had the night before. Most likely it was the combination of it all. Starting a day from lack of sleep definitely puts you at a disadvantage. Then having a day where you are wandering around work wondering what to do next leads to boredom for me and that can make me tired. The scatterbrained weather was something that affected my mood on the way home from work; I didn't enjoy walking in the rain and getting soaked.

When I got home I was wet to the skin and freezing. Nothing that a warm shower and my lounge clothes couldn't fix. Things improved after that once I started to warm up and relax.  I was still tired though.

Dan was home about a half hour after I was. He was feeling disappointed and frustrated by the weather; he works outside a great deal. Neither one of us had expected the rain so I didn't have my umbrella and he didn't have his rain gear. 

Supper last night was good though. We had some leftover pasta casserole, caesar salad and home made garlic bread. Tasty and filling. Of course we had big helpings and then felt tired again. We decided that a nap would be nice. Dan wanted to go cuddle in bed for a bit. Once we settled both of us were asleep in less than 5 minutes. I woke up about an hour later. Felt a bit better but that went downhill once I realized we were late. We had made plans to be at a friends place for 8pm and we slept till that time.

The plan was to have a night out with friends as neither of us have had the opportunity in weeks and this would be the only night I could this week. We were supposed to be at one friend's place for 8pm to hang for a bit then pop on over to another friend's for drinks and a movie, then pop on out to the club to see how things were going. Well, we arrived at the first friend's place by 8:40, had one drink then we all walked down to the second friend's place. Had drinks, snacks, and good conversation with episodes of "Big Bang Theory" playing in the back ground. about 11pm some of us made our way down to the club. By this point about half of our group decided to go home as they were too tired.

It is typical that on a Friday night most people are too tired to party. They like to party on Saturday night because by then they have rested and recouped their energy and need an outlet for the weeks worth of stress they put up with between Mon-Fri.

Once we arrived at the club we could see that things were pretty quiet. We stayed about an hour to enjoy some music and to chat with a few people we knew that had made an appearance. They whole time Dan and I were yawning. By midnight we decided that it was a better idea to just go home and call it a night. The club was a bust. 

Once home Dan crawled into bed and was asleep in minutes. I was awake for a bit longer but then I too succumbed to the power of the Sandman! I slept until 10am the next morning.

It is not often that I get to sleep in. With my schedule all over the place with shift work I have not had the opportunity. Now that I have had one 'sleeping in' morning I want another one or three. Unfortunately I cannot until my days off. Until then I will have to enjoy the most out of my sleep along the way. 

Sleep is my friend, when I get some! 

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