Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools is full of Fools!

So here in Canada and rest of N.America today is celebrated as April Fools Day, the day of pranks and hoaxes. Fun for many and not so for some.

As a kid I used to play pranks all the time on people, especially my brother. As an adult I still do it sometimes. I personally don't need a special day to do it! I can find a moment here and there to do most anything that would be considered a prank.

In my previous job I had a coworker that I would pull little pranks and jokes on all the time. I was known for it.  One of my favorites went like this: My coworker was at a work station doing his duties and I was standing next to him as he was chatting to me. While he was so focused on his duties and talking up a storm he didn't realize that I had quietly walked away. He just kept on talking until the supervisor walked up to him and asked who he was chatting with. His response was that he was talking to me but realized when he looked up that I wasn't there. You should have heard the 'words' he was using under his breathe after that! Heheehe

I played another prank on him after that only moments later. It was sort of like part 2 of the same joke. While he was mumbling to himself at the work station I quietly walked up to him and just stood there. It took him about 2 minutes to look up and realized that he wasn't alone. He was startled and jumped about 3 feet up and back! I had the biggest grin on my face and started laughing when he hit me for scaring him and making him look like a fool earlier! I couldn't stop laughing.

My coworker and I worked together for over 10 years and that was but one of the "fun" moments during our employment together. At least once or twice a month when the opportunity presented itself I would pull a stunt of that nature on him. It was easy; no one ever suspects the 'quiet dude' as being the 'deviant' one! I fool many with my quiet nature!

To me April Fools Day is just another day. Sure I can and do pull the odd trick on someone on that day just so I can yell out "April Fools" while laughing at them but it isn't always such a success as most people are expecting it. It is more fun when it is a "normal" day and no one reckons that you or anyone is going to pull a stunt of some kind. That is when you get "the biggest bang for your buck" as the saying goes.

Today I was so busy at work learning the new routines that I didn't have the time or energy to pull any shenanigans on my coworkers, plus I do not know them that well yet so it would not be a good idea. Maybe next year!

I hope every one had a good day whether you played any jokes or jests as April 1st is just another day in your life to enjoy and have fun!

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