Thursday, April 12, 2012

Back to work...

You know that feeling you get when you return to work after a few days off and you really don't want to? I am having that feeling today.

I enjoy my job and I do look forward to working. There are some days though when it is hard to get myself motivated to return. It is usually because my days off weren't the greatest or I need more time off. On my days off this week there was some rain so I spent a good part of that day inside and that wasn't too great. There is only so much I can accomplish online or playing video games. There is only so much television I can handle watching and when it comes to books to read I am not always in the mood. Times like this I get bored inside, that is when I want the sunshine so I can be outside in the fresh air.

I typically enjoy afternoon shifts as I am not a morning person but it is a pain when I don't have a lot of time to get things accomplished before work. I have a routine when I get up that I like to go through that takes time as I do not like to rush. I wanna take my time and relax. When I have to work afternoons this routine gets rushed and that is another reason why I do not want to return to work. The upside is that I got to sleep in and that was so wonderful. After a couple weeks of early mornings it was nice to not have to be up by 6am!

All this week I am booked for afternoons and that is going to be a week worth of lazy mornings and not getting up till after 9am. I am hoping that there is sunshine then I can get the gardening done and enjoy the great weather in the process. Provided I can motivate myself on the those lazy mornings!

Work tonight wasn't too bad. I find that I can get into the work mode once I am there. Before hand I have no motivation to go to work but I do go as I am required to be there and I want to get paid. After I arrive my mood changes and all is well. Is the typical situation for me. I often have no interest in something but if I force myself to check it out and try it then my interest is sparked and away I go!

So tonight was good. Slightly quiet and boring but it is coming up on the weekend and we don't mind if things are quiet and boring at work on the weekend. It is better that way than crazy and exhausting. I will have to make sure I get all my sleep and bring a good book so that I am prepared for it going either way!

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