Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My little bit of Gardening

Before the weeding or mowing was done.
Well this year I would like to finally get the yard and garden to look good and maintain it for the season. I have done basic stuff in previous years but I would like to do more this time around.

We don't have a large yard or big garden areas so they really shouldn't be too difficult to do the upkeep; the only problem really is the time and effort needed.

In this picture you can see the yard before it has been mowed or the larger flower bed weeded. You can also see that it isn't a big yard. This is pretty much all we have and it is at the front of the house so everyone who walks by sees it. Our back yard consists of a patio above a two car carport and the other half of the duplex. The people behind us have a back yard about as big as our front. They just have a higher fence and more privacy.

I have slowly been getting out there. I got the side garden weeded and some seeds planted that should sprout within a couple weeks. Most of the growth in the gardens is perennials from years past that I like. I have been planting annuals around them to add colour and prettiness each year. What is kind of cool is that there is a small rose bush and oriental poppies in the side garden and they look amazing when they bloom.

I also got the front round garden weeded. As you can tell from the pic there is a fair amount of the previous years plants starting to pop up and they should be blooming by mid May sometime. What I would like to do is dig some of them up and re-position them so that the taller ones are in the back with the rose bush and let the smaller ones look good in the front. There is also some ground covering plants that would look really good along the edge with the rocks. Behind the trellis is a rock bed that is under the front porch and it needs some weeding as well. Weeds can grow anywhere.

There is still another small flower bed in the one of the yard corners that needs weeding and some new plants for color. I am thinking that some of the taller plants in the round garden will be relocated to a new flower bed that I want to create under a basement window. It will look nice from the inside as it will give some colorful flowers to look at from the inside even on a wet day.

The lawn need some attention too but that will come in time. It has a lot of dandelion and other broad leaf weeds that are very tenacious. We have been battling them for the past couple years plus! The battle will probably continue on even after I move to another place.

With the rain and my work schedule I haven't had the time or energy some days to get things done. I figure that if I do a little bit each time then it will eventually come together. Each part that has been weeded is easy to maintain after the initial clean up is done. It is just getting all the initial stuff done.

I figure by the end of April I should have all that I want accomplished. As a follow up I will write another blog to show you how it looks once done.

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