Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Didn't post on Monday so here it is a day late!

Got sidetracked last night and didn't finish my Monday blog entry. To save some time I have written a short one and will blog about another topic for Tuesday's proper entry.

You hear all the time people complaining about Mondays. It is the official start of the work week and signals that another weekend is truly over. Poor poor maligned Monday. I have made those same complaining comments about it myself once in awhile.

This Monday I made one about how it started off badly for me due to migraine pain and body aches. That doesn't mean it was a bad day just because it was a Monday. I could've woken up on any day of the week and had a migraine and aches all over; the body isn't too picky about which day it likes or dislikes when it starts to hurt. It just so happens that this was a Monday and that was the day for my aches to make an appearance.

The upside to this particular Monday is that the sun was up and it brightening things up. For me that makes a world of difference. My migraine didn't go away because of the pleasant weather though. Thankfully a really good nap helped with that and when I woke the sun was still shining nicely and I was able to enjoy the rest of my day.

Many people just complain about Monday because this is the day they are returning to work. They actually have to get up to be somewhat productive and earn their wages. If they could all have their wish come true the week would start on Tuesday.

The problem with this wish is that the day we would all start hating would then become Tuesday. It isn't Monday itself that we truly dislike, it is the fact that the weekend is over and our work week has started. No one ever wants to the fun to truly end. We always want just one more day. So which ever day it is that your work week starts is the day you will dislike. And your "Friday" will always be your favorite work week ender. We always look forward to our weekends!

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