Sunday, April 15, 2012

Prevention of 
Violence Against Women

April 15 - 21

Everyone in this city or country, on this continent or somewhere in the world has a woman that is dear to them; whether it is a mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, friend or lover. At no time in your life would you want to truly wish any harm to come to that person. At no time in any women's life should she be the victim of any kind of violence or harm. Unfortunately there are too many that are made victims by someone.

During this week we should put a fair amount of thought into how we as human beings can prevent this violence. Ways of preventing any kind of brutality not just during this week though but every day of the year. We also should find ways to prevent assaults of any kind towards anyone, regardless of gender! The only reason we tend to focus on women is because historically they are often the ones that have been taken advantage of the most. Men have also been the victims but not to the same degree.

Without the women in our lives we would not be who we are! As the ones who give us life and the nurturing we need through the early years women are the ones who shape the person we will become.  We should all celebrate and cherish the ladies we hold dear each and every moment they share our lives...

I could probably go on and on about this but the message is simple: STOP THE VIOLENCE!

There is nothing more that needs to be said except LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

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