Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A quandary

Recently I have been having a bit of a blog quandary.

I enjoy blogging. Unfortunately due to time issues and the occasional lack of inspiration I haven't had much to say and really had to dig for something to write about. This made the experience let enjoyable as it made it feel like a chore. I don't like chores.

I went into this the whole blog idea thinking that it would be interesting to blog on a daily basis the things that come 'n' go in my life. I figured it would be fun and interesting to share my thoughts and feelings, to tell you all about me. The interest is still there.

Well as interesting as I feel I am, I also find that there isn't always something to say. I had high expectations of myself as I figured I could find something to share each day. I came to realized that not everything is truly share worthy and even if it was, it isn't always easy to write about it. I knew it wouldn't always been easy but I still wanted it to be fun. The fun was lacking.

So after a bit of discussion with some of my friends who read my blogs and have blogs of their own I have decided to ease back a bit and write only a few times a week instead of daily. I will still stick with my original plan of sharing about me and life and what goes on. This allows me the time to write something fun and enjoyable and to make it more worth my while. Make it something you as my reader will enjoy more too.

As the inspiration hits me I will express myself and still be able to be myself. That is the important part.

So, my quandary has been fixed.

Blog ya later!

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