Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sleep is my friend!

Yesterday was a tiring day. Not sure if it was the wonky weather, the slow pace at work or the lack of sleep I had the night before. Most likely it was the combination of it all. Starting a day from lack of sleep definitely puts you at a disadvantage. Then having a day where you are wandering around work wondering what to do next leads to boredom for me and that can make me tired. The scatterbrained weather was something that affected my mood on the way home from work; I didn't enjoy walking in the rain and getting soaked.

When I got home I was wet to the skin and freezing. Nothing that a warm shower and my lounge clothes couldn't fix. Things improved after that once I started to warm up and relax.  I was still tired though.

Dan was home about a half hour after I was. He was feeling disappointed and frustrated by the weather; he works outside a great deal. Neither one of us had expected the rain so I didn't have my umbrella and he didn't have his rain gear. 

Supper last night was good though. We had some leftover pasta casserole, caesar salad and home made garlic bread. Tasty and filling. Of course we had big helpings and then felt tired again. We decided that a nap would be nice. Dan wanted to go cuddle in bed for a bit. Once we settled both of us were asleep in less than 5 minutes. I woke up about an hour later. Felt a bit better but that went downhill once I realized we were late. We had made plans to be at a friends place for 8pm and we slept till that time.

The plan was to have a night out with friends as neither of us have had the opportunity in weeks and this would be the only night I could this week. We were supposed to be at one friend's place for 8pm to hang for a bit then pop on over to another friend's for drinks and a movie, then pop on out to the club to see how things were going. Well, we arrived at the first friend's place by 8:40, had one drink then we all walked down to the second friend's place. Had drinks, snacks, and good conversation with episodes of "Big Bang Theory" playing in the back ground. about 11pm some of us made our way down to the club. By this point about half of our group decided to go home as they were too tired.

It is typical that on a Friday night most people are too tired to party. They like to party on Saturday night because by then they have rested and recouped their energy and need an outlet for the weeks worth of stress they put up with between Mon-Fri.

Once we arrived at the club we could see that things were pretty quiet. We stayed about an hour to enjoy some music and to chat with a few people we knew that had made an appearance. They whole time Dan and I were yawning. By midnight we decided that it was a better idea to just go home and call it a night. The club was a bust. 

Once home Dan crawled into bed and was asleep in minutes. I was awake for a bit longer but then I too succumbed to the power of the Sandman! I slept until 10am the next morning.

It is not often that I get to sleep in. With my schedule all over the place with shift work I have not had the opportunity. Now that I have had one 'sleeping in' morning I want another one or three. Unfortunately I cannot until my days off. Until then I will have to enjoy the most out of my sleep along the way. 

Sleep is my friend, when I get some! 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Skin Care Fair

I work for one of the Health Authorities in the Province and they are constantly promoting good health for the clients/patients/residents and staff. This week they held a "Skin Care Fair" at one of the sites I work at. It was fun and interesting.

There were about 7 stations each showing you something to do with skin and over all health. The main idea of it all was how easy it can be to minimize injuries and in some cases how to prevent them. Many of our residents are at great risk for injuries due to their medical/health condition.

Some of the stations showed us things like:

  1. How certain types of 'barrier creams' can protect the skin from dryness, irritations and from becoming soiled.
  2. How to prevent pressure sores by ensuring there are no lumps in wheelchair cushions or bunched up clothing.
  3. What a pressure sore feels like and what each kind looks like when it happens.
  4. How our skin becomes thinner and more brittle like the skin of an onion as we age and the benefits of good moisturizers.
  5. How to properly reposition and move a resident on their bed or in a wheelchair.
  6. How the decrease in some of the 5 senses can affect overall health and mental well being.
  7. About the importance of including the resident in process of their own care.
  8. The importance of proper and regular hand washing.
...and so much more. It is amazing what can be done at an event like this.

I found it to be fun and interesting. It was nice to not only see many of my coworkers around participating but many of the residents were encouraged to take part and learn ways of helping themselves too.

I feel that it is important to take part in events and activities of this nature at work. It promotes learning and self improvement and a greater sense of staff inclusion and improved moral, especially when you make it all inclusive and fun. One of the nice little perks as well is the raffle prize. If you went around to every station and got your little piece of paper stamped then you were entered in a raffle for a couple gift baskets that had some wonderful specialty type toiletries.

I hope I win one of them; they all looked very nice.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dining Out For Life.

Today I took part as a volunteer Ambassador in a fundraiser called "Dining Out For Life".

It has a really simple concept. Restaurants that take part will donate 25% of their food revenues for the night to the fundraiser. The nice thing is that the money raised stays in the community. The organization that organizes and operates this fundraiser here is AIDS Vancouver Island (AVI). All the money they raise goes to funding the various programs here in Victoria and across Vancouver Island.

What I really like about this fundraiser is that the restaurant patrons don't have to do anything special. If the restaurant that you have chosen to eat at is on the list of establishments taking part then all you have to do is order your food, enjoy it and pay your bill. Simple. The restaurant will tally the food sold and then donate the 25% that was agreed upon when they signed up. We are also fortunate that a brewery likes to take part so they agreed to donate $1 for every bottle of their brew that is sold during the night at each of the restaurants. So as a patron you can help out by eating and enjoying a bottle of brew too.

As with any fundraiser there is also the opportunity to donate some money without purchasing food or beverage. One of the incentives for Dining Out For Life (DOFL) is the prize. Each patron is given an entry form which allows them an opportunity to win a cruise for two worth $3000 by one of our sponsors. Another little perk of this fundraiser is that if the patron who wins the prize listed the name of his server on the entry form then the server wins a prize of $500. A nice perk for the server.

Tonight I was a The Ledge, a local gay lounge/pub. It isn't the biggest place but it is a nice one. Located in the touristy area of downtown Victoria within one of the older hotels. The owner/operator is a great guy and he has some pretty decent staff as well. Normally is is a pretty quiet laid back place but because of the fundraiser it was packed. Thankfully there was enough staff to handle it.

I had fun and so did my fellow ambassador. There was one downside and it was a stupid one. A local musician had organized and promoted a performance that he was going to do at The Ledge. He arrived early, got himself set up and waited till some people started to arrive. The first group was a table of 12. The musician started playing and all seemed to be going well. Within 15 minutes of starting his first set the table of 12 complained. Some one from the table came over to the owner and said "Could you please move the performer to another part of the lounge or get him to tone it down, we are trying to have conversations at our table and we cannot hear each other over the music." The performer moved his chair over a bit and turned himself to face a different direction so that the table in question wouldn't get as much of the music. Unfortunately the table complained more than once.

Personally I thought they were idiots. The musician wasn't using a microphone and was playing a ukulele; he was not that loud. I had no difficulty in having a conversation with my fellow ambassador and we were the same distance away from the musician as the table of 12. I got the impression the complainers were the type that aren't happy unless they can complain about something, someone that is all about drama even when they claim otherwise. It was a shame as the musician was doing this for free and he was pretty damn good. I suggested to the owner and the performer that they should organize a night where the highlight is the performance and not something else. They both liked that idea.

Over all the night went well and we will find out in a week or so how much money was raised and by the middle of next month we will find out who the winner of the prize is as well.

For me it was a good opportunity to do something for my community and a cause I support. It also allowed me to go out and have some fun with some great people!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Costco Fun

I like Costco. It is an interesting wholesale warehouse style store. It seems to have a bit of everything for everyone, almost like Walmart but much better. I have gone there for years, always with friends that had a membership, never having one of my own.

I have a good friend that I go to Costco a fair amount with. He is a big fan of the store. He especially likes the return policy. Most stores give you 2 weeks to 30 days to return a product and always with conditions attached. Costco will give you up to 90 days and longer depending on situation and warranty. My friend has had problems with products from Costco and he was able to return stuff after the 90 days for a full refund due to the situation regarding each product and its warranty. The people at Costco have treated him pretty good each time and because of that he keeps coming back.

When we make plans to go we usually make it an afternoon event. I will make up a small list of things I want to check out and he has his list of what he wants to get. We typically try to go when the traffic isn't too bad and the store is not overly busy; we are not always successful. Once there we grab our cart and take our time walking up each aisle from being to end. My friend has this need to check out everything. He seems find something every time that he wants to buy that was not on his list.

About 50% of the time we have been able to arrive there when several sampling stations have been set up. This gives us the opportunity to enjoy some snacks as we browse. A couple times there have been so many sample stations that by the end of our shopping and our purchases had been made we were full and didn't need dinner.

Not long after I became employed by VIHA I discovered that as an employee I am entitled to some company discounts and deals around town. One of these deals is with Costco. Since learning about this it sparked my interest once again for getting my own membership card. So this week I had some free time and went out to Costco in the truck and decided to check out memberships. Sixty dollars later I had my first years worth of a membership, only a basic one. I figure I would give it a try, after a year I would be able to look back and see whether I had received my $60 worth. At that time I would decide to either renew or let it expire.

I figure that whether I have a membership of my own or not it is irrelevant as I can always go with my friend, buy stuff on his card and just pay for it then/there or reimburse him. Unfortunately doing it that way is a bit of a hassle. Costco is becoming a bit more strict with enforcing their policies and are making it harder for people without memberships to go shopping with their friends who have one and buying products that way. The last time I went with my buddy they told us that I had to pay cash for anything I was purchasing, they wouldn't accept me using debit. Because my buddy is an outspoken individual he raised a small stink about it and they let me use my interac that time. Next time they wouldn't be so lenient, she said. Sometimes it depends on the cashier.

Personally I think that is ludicrous as I and many others I know feel that debit is the same as cash; all the debit commercials promote it that way. With debit you are using the money you actually have in your account. In the end it is no different than you going to the bank and withdrawing the cash. Debit is just a more convenient and safer option. Why constantly go to the bank or ATM to remove cash when debit is quicker. Debit is also safer as you don't have to carry sums of money with you.

The only draw back to debit of course is that it is harder to keep track of the money you are spending. I know I tend to spend more than I realize even though I try to keep a tally in my head of when/where I have been spending my money. It is something I constantly work on.

Now that I have a Costco membership it will be less of a hassle when I go shopping. As a member I am welcomed by the store employees as I flash my card. Much different than before when I would just be on the receiving end of a stare when I would walk in with my friend. My friend always gets a big smile because he has the Executive Member card which has more perks attached to it. They like their Executive members! I have the basic Gold Star card so I now get a smile: it is just not as big! Oh well, c'est la vie.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My brain feels better.

This morning I work up feeling a little queasy. I usually feel that way when I know that I will have an intense day. Today was day two of my training for Tracheostomies. It wasn't as intense as I was expecting, but I didn't know that when I woke.

After my shower I ironed my uniform (was too busy last night with my 'homework') and gathered together all the things I figured I would need. Then I made myself some ginger tea. I find that ginger is the best thing for my stomach when I feel queasy or nauseated. It of course is just my anxieties acting up and waving red flags that I know I can ignore. If I listened to my anxieties every time they made noise I would end up a quivering puddle of jello in the corner of my hermit cave for the rest of my life. I can see how some people can find them quite debilitating.

On my way to my training session I sipped on my drink and reviewed in my head much of what I could remember and kept reminding myself that I would just be an observer for the first part of the day and the RT would go over stuff with me later on. My stomach settled as it usually does and things started off slow. The healthcare team there was great. The LPNs that I observed had great rapport with the residents and showed me some great techniques for care.

So after the observations and also doing some hands on work with trach care and suctioning (that was the really scary part), it all felt pretty good. The RT was satisfied with my knowledge and demonstration of my skills. It is times like that when I realize once again that I made the right decision to ignore the little voice my anxiety tries to talk to me with when it undermines my confidence. I find the best way to deal with is to follow the sage advice of Nike: Just Do It!

After I got home I baked some cookies, cleaned the kitchen, prepped for dinner and did a Costco run. Was a pretty good day. I have tomorrow off so I will be getting some chores around the house and downtown done. It will be a productive day. I like days such as that! I always look forward to those.

Monday, March 26, 2012

My poor brain!

Today I went to work knowing full well that i would be spending the day in a training session with a Respiratory Therapist (RT). Because I am starting a new position at work that will have me dealing with residents/patients that have traceheotomies I will need some new training for a procedures that are new to me. The physical aspect of the new procedures isn't really that hard, it is the information that you need to keep in your head at all times that is causing my brain to hurt tonight.

I was fortunate that the training session wasn't too intense. Due to scheduling issues I had a one-on-one training with the RT. Of course being the only student you get a teacher that gives you all their focus and that is sometimes unnerving in and of itself! The RT was very nice and treated me quite well. We sure covered a lot of information. My brain feels overloaded and she sent me home with a training manual and several pages worth of homework that I should be doing instead of writing this blog! (I took a couple hours break from my  studies/homework to relax and de-stress my brain.)

For those that do not know what a tracheotomy is I would suggest you look it up on Google or Wikipedia (or just click the link right here: Tracheotomy). As a LPN in my new position it will be part of my duties to attend to residents with a trach tube and provide their care. Part of the duties is to keep it clean and clear, after all that is how each person with a trach breathes!

When doing the physical aspect of care for the trachs is not that hard, it is the book learning that wears me out. I enjoy book learning but it is tiring and can be stressful. My personal anxiety issues get in the way sometimes resulting in a lack of confidence and an inability to properly focus. Today I was the only student so I was the one the instructor focused on all day and it was a bit intimidating. She did nothing wrong. It was me and my mental issues getting in the way as usual.

Doing my studies/homework was quite fascinating. I went through the questions first answering as many as I could using the information that she taught me today. I then went through the training manual to fine tune my answers and correct anything I got wrong. I did rather well. I answered most of the questions and didn't have to do too much correcting.

Below are some pictures of what a standard trach tube looks like and how some one would look when theirs is in place.
What a trach tube looks like on the outside.
The trach tube pieces
Tomorrow I will be doing some hands on training with one of the nurses to see how the morning routine goes and what I will be expected to do. After that I will be with the RT again going over things to see how I did with my morning and my homework. Will let you know how it goes.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The next wave of Flowers are here...

I take a lot of pictures of flowers. I love flowers. It is one of the perfect signs that spring is here and that nature is wonderful. In a couple of the wild like parks near my place we have a lot of wild flowers that grow and it is always beautiful to see them every time I go. Just like the sign in the picture says you do have to watch where you walk as you will crush the new sprouts without noticing if you are not careful. Sticking to the path is always a good idea. You can see a lot of the flowers from the pathway.
Stick to the paths
A month or so ago we had Snowdrops and then the Crocuses. Now we are getting Daffodils, Bluebells and Grape Hyacinths. We have a lot of these kinds of wild flowers in the Greater Victoria area. It is one of the things that Victoria and it's residents are quite proud of! It fits with our description as the "Garden City".
Daffodils and Grape Hyacinths
We have a city by-law that says you cannot pick the Daffodils that grow wild in the parks here in Victoria. The daffodils are everywhere. One of our most popular parks is Beacon Hill Park. The park has wild Daffodils growing everywhere. Of course every year some picks the flowers anyway; the guilty ones are typically little kids, teens and adults that just don't care what the law says.
Daffodils are everywhere.
 We also have a few 'flower farms' here on the island that grow the Daffodils. As April is Cancer month and the symbol is a Daffodil those farms make good money each year will sales and promotions. They often have signs on the side of the road asking for workers to help pick them each year. If it wasn't such back breaking work I would probably try it one year but I know already that my back could not handle it. My back would tell me it was broke before I even started.

In future blogs you will see and hear more from me about flowers. It is just one of those things I really really like. It is right up there with my feelings about sunshine and spring.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Short entry.

Feeling a bit ill today.

I can blame part of that to just not getting the sleep I need; the past few nights I have woken up around 4am and laid there till 6 when my alarm goes off. If I cannot get the sleep I need then I usually wake up ill and the only thing that corrects it is more sleep. I can also blame how I feel right now on eating too many chocolate chip cookies.

The boyfriend has been craving cookies a lot lately and after the first batch he wanted more so of course I made more. Unfortunately they were so good that I ate too many and it upset my stomach. Too much and too rich.

The cookie issue I can correct by not eating any more but the sleep issue is gonna be a bit harder as it will take a few days for my system to get used to not working graveyards anymore. Until then I will do the best I can. In time...

Will write something more tomorrow. Ciao for now!

Friday, March 23, 2012

View from the Mountain top.

In Victoria area we have two mountains. One is called Mount Tolmie and the other is Mount Doug (the taller one).

Mount Tolmie isn't the tallest mountain and personally I wouldn't really call it one, more like a large hill. Once you get up to the top the view is pretty nice. It shows you just how green Victoria can be. You can see across the landscape over to the ocean on more than one side. It is a wonderful place to go to on a sunny day. At the top is a viewing area, picnic spots and a platform space that many groups use for exercise programs. You can quite often see Bootcamp groups or Yoga groups up there doing their thing (I have been a part of a few of those groups in the past). There is a road that will take you to the top and back down the other side. It is located near UVIC and has a couple trails that cover the mountain to allow you to wander through nature. There are several homes that border the park and I think those people are some of the luckiest ones around to have that on one side of their property.

Here is the link if you want to know more and see some great pictures: Mount Tolmie Park

In the pictures below the greenery you see in at the time when it is finally becoming spring, so if it is this green now just imagine how green it will be in a few more months!

Panaramic view from Mt. Tolmie

 Mount Doug is definitely the taller of the two. You can see across the city to Mount Tolmie from the top of Mount Douglas and vice versa with Mount Tolmie. It has a road that you can drive all the way to the top and look at Victoria from the viewing area or go the little bit farther and see all around the mountain at the summit. A fair amount of people like to walk to the top of Mt. Doug from the parking area at the base. It is about a kilometer or two to the top and it is quite steep in some areas. Definitely a good work out. Around the base of the mountain are some trails that go through the park. They are great for hiking around. On the other side of the road from the mountain is a park like area with more parking options, a large field, walking trails and access to the small beaches & ocean front. Is a rather nice little place.
Panaramic view from Mt. Douglas
Here is the link for Mt. Douglas if you want to know more: Mount Douglas Park

 Both are great places to go most anytime regardless of the weather. The only problem is as the weather improves more and more people will go there. Best times are usually earlier in the day before 2pm and during the week between Mon-Thurs. Any other time and you are competing with the majority who are now off of work for the day or weekend.

As the spring and summer progresses we will probably spend more time out there with the dog as he would love it. They are good places to enjoy the great outdoors!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

First day...

Well today was my first day working my new position. It went well. I was anxious when I arrived because I have never worked a day shift on this unit. Based on what the other LPNs have said and what I have seen I can tell it is a heavy unit to work on . The work load at this Hospital facility is heavy duty!! I worked with one of the regular LPN's there today helping her with all the little things and taking up some of her duties. She was definitely appreciative. The LPN on the other side had a harder time as she was casual and the RN on that side didn't help her that much which is a shame.

I have found working with some RNs that they have an attitude of "I am the RN and I only do RN duties". Total Bull*&#$! I have worked with some great RNs that help you out because you are a team. By making it easier for you it also gets things done more efficiently and you are more than willing to help them when they need it. That is Team Work! 

So today was a good day. Tomorrow looks to be the same although it depends on how the RN wants things to go. If it is a repeat of today then things will be pretty good. If I am put on the other side of the unit then things will be good too as I will be helping the LPN that had the hard time today. Either way it will be a learning experience for me. 

This would be a cool mug to have.
Previously on this unit I was the graveyard person. So I have a pretty good idea of how the floor is laid out and where things go, but you really don't get to know the residents as well. The routines for each shift are much different too. Day shift is the heaviest with afternoon a close second. Especially with the medications. Graveyards have very little medications to administer but we are busy with all the things put on the duties list to help finish all the work leftover from each day and some prep for the next one. It definitely keeps you running some nights.

After today I can see how some many people get behind on just the basic duties. There is so much to do. It was nice for me and the other LPN as we were able to get all the extras done plus stuff that didn't get done yesterday. I can just imagine how it will be when I am the sole LPN on the floor! This weekend will be a good one as I am the extra nurse helping the regulars. It is a gentle way to ease me into things and I like that.

It probably won't be long until I feel like I am the over worked one! Sad to say that this is a fact of the job these days! My mantra on those days will have to be "I love my job, I really really do love me job!", especially on those days when I don't feel it.

Until that happens though I will be making the most of my work. It is how I usually do things.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Walking, walking, walking....

Went for a walk today and decided it was a good idea to take the dog with me; he had been cooped up inside all morning. Three hours and many kilometers later we both have sore feet and are tuckered out.

We started our walk from where I live near Quadra/Hillside area to the downtown library so I could return some books and pick up the ones waiting for me. After the library we sauntered over to Beacon Hill park to let Toby run around a bit as we made our way to Mile Zero on the other side of Beacon Hill Park where the statue of Terry Fox is located. Once we crossed the road to the other side it was an ongoing chore to keep Toby up top on the walkway as he wanted to run down to the water ever chance he could. We walked over to the Breakwater/Ogden Point and then down to the water to enjoy the surf. I figured by this point Toby had been such a good boy listening to me he could go jump in the water. He was a happy dog!

We then walked along the water across the sand, gravel and rocks over to Clover point. It was fun walking on the rocks and sand. It allowed Toby to enjoy the water. I bet if he could have had a choice as to which animal he wanted to be I bet he would've chosen to be a duck; he just loves the water so much. We leisurely walked along so that he could run in and out of the surf and chase a few gulls as we went. I threw a few sticks in for him to fetch. He had a blast. Lots of water, people and places to explore as we made our way to Clover point.

From there in a casual unhurried frame of mind we walked the back roads to home making stops here and there for fresh water, doggie pee breaks and a snack. He was such a good boy today that I rewarded him with some of his favorite treats. He was so tuckered out that he promptly went and laid down to have a rest and recoup his energy. Of course Dan will be home in a couple hours and by then he will be ready for his next walk. Dan will come in the door and Toby will act as if he has been inside all day and be ready and willing to go out and about. Typical dog!

So our leisurely walk today to run an errand, get some exercise for both of us and to the enjoy the rather nice sunny weather we are having today took us a total of about 13Km from beginning to end. Not bad.
Great place to walk the dog!
If you want to see the route we took then check out this link to Google Maps that I created to show you our walk today. We started at Point A and ended up at Point F.
Our Route

Now that we both have had our exercise today I think I will just sit back and enjoy one of the books I got from the library today. I will sit in my chair by the window so I can enjoy the warmth of the sun shining through. Such a great thought!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I gots me some wheels!

1990 Toyota 4x4. Its a beater.
Actually my boyfriend got it for me (and him).

For the past six months his aunt has said that once she and her hubby get new vehicles then Danny boy could have their old truck. He has wanted this thing for ages. It is a 5-speed standard 1990 Toyota 4x4. It runs really well.

Most of the time I will be using it as I need to get around town and to/from work. I am used to walking, cycling and taking the bus so now I am enjoying the convenience of using a vehicle for the first time in a few years. Have only had it for less than a week but I have been driving everywhere! It does feel weird driving a truck as I am more used to cars; I rarely drove any trucks. In time it will feel like second nature.

Former Farmer's truck.
Dan's aunt and uncle own a little hobby farm up in Qualicum Beach area so you can possibly imagine the dirt and grime this truck had. The box had lots of mud and hay remnants. The interior had about an inch of dust and the windows were thick with a film that took a lot of wiping to remove. It did have a canopy as well but Dan isn't into canopies as he is planning on using the truck to transport his dirt bike around. A passion of his that he finally is able to indulge. Plus he can also get into 4x4ing around the boonies too. He has been making plans for this truck ever since his aunt said she was gonna give it to him. He even has some plans for camping this summer. I am still thinking about that. Not big on camping/roughing it. The truck is a bit of a beater but its motor has been tuned up and it works like a charm.

Me behind the wheel at a red light.
Today it was quite nice to drive around town looking at prices for a few things I want to get. Before I had to plan my day around the bus and walking so that I could be efficient and get it all done in time. In the period of an hour or so I had traversed from one end of town to the other making several stops to price check on a product or two. I even got other errands done along the way and I was still home in time for Dan to grab the truck to run an errand of his own. It's fun, especially when the weather is crap like it was today and it was nice to stay warm and dry as I traveled around town. The thrill will wear off soon as I am paying attention to the gas prices and I know that I will be conserving gas whenever I can. Prices are really getting high. Am glad the truck is not a gas guzzler! Dan has the benefit of a job that pays for his gas so some of that money will help fill the truck's tank but I will still have to pay my fair share.

So as the days go by we will definitely get our fair use of the truck. With plans for camping, 4x4ing and to take the truck/bike out dirt biking, we will have some great fun along the way. It is nice to have options.

I know that once my friends all start to realize that I now have use of a truck they are gonna want to ask for favours here and there that can only be accomplished with said truck! I already have one friend that will be moving soon and he is contemplating whether he will ask me or rent one. We will see....

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Passions in Life

Someone asked me on my blog earlier this month what I enjoyed most in life and I took the time in a follow up bog entry to answer the question.

In this blog though I will go in a slightly different direction and answer another aspect of the question that I figure he/she could have asked: What are my Passions in life?

My passions are few and not too many. I believe if you have too many passions then you dilute your enjoyment of the few things you truly hold close to you. Give your passionate focus to a few things and you will truly delight in those self-indulgent moments.

As I have blogged about a few times in the past months, I enjoy cooking. For me it is a life long passion that started when I was old enough to understand what my mom and my grandmothers were doing in the kitchen and what it was they were putting on the table for me. My mother is a woman that believes we should be capable of fending and providing for ourselves. With this in mind she taught me from a young age to be independent and capable. I learned the basics of cooking and developed a love of the kitchen arts rather early; it was one of the first things I learned after self hygiene and housework. Priorities!

Because my mother enjoyed variety in her foods she passed that enjoyment on to me and with an Italian grandmother who prepared fresh food every day for every meal in the traditional manner I learned to enjoy the fruits of my labours in the kitchen. As I got older I learned more and developed a greater passion not just for the eating of good food but also the process and art of preparation. I also like cooking for others and that is another aspect of my passion for cooking.

When it comes to food, not only do I enjoy making a great meal but I also enjoy going out to restaurants with friends/family to enjoy good food. If I find a place the serves food that my tummy loves then I will definitely return many times. Here in Victoria I have my favorites. Thanks to my mother I enjoy a variety of foods, many of them of ethnic origins. From East to West I enjoy most any food. After all food could be considered my greatest passion as it is intertwined with so much of my life.

I also enjoy reading, another passion that I got from my mother. Mind you my passion for reading borders on an addiction. I find that I go through withdrawal like symptoms when I don't have a book to read when I want. I will make time in a very busy day just so I can read. I even fore go sleep just to read the next chapter in a riveting story. The library is one of my favorite places to go as they have more books than I ever will. Although one of my greatest dreams is to have my own home library. I want to have a place in my home that I can have a copy of every book I have read and enjoyed. Because I enjoy reading so much I will read a good book over and over, especially the really really good ones. My mother was a bit of a bookworm and she encouraged me to read anything and everything. I prefer Sci-Fi/Fantasy based novels but I do enjoy other types once in a while for variety.

You could say that the biggest passions in my life are food/cooking and reading. Nothing else seems to come  close to my love and enjoyment of those two things. They are also the Passions that will always be a part of my life.

Other passions in my life that I do enjoy:

  1. Hanging out with my sweetheart - he had to be at the top of this list!
  2. Going out with friends/family to be social and active.
  3. Relaxing at home, usually with a good book.
  4. Movies - either in the theatre or at home.
  5. Writing - with this blog I indulge this passion.
  6. Gardening - I have a friend with a good yard that gets some of my attention.
  7. Pets - Got a dog and a cat to love.

Some past passions that had their day but I still enjoy once in awhile when they enjoy a resurgence:

  1. Running
  2. Cycling
  3. Arts & Crafts
  4. Volunteering
  5. Singing
  6. Antiques
  7. Astrology

As I mentioned earlier I do like to keep my passions to a small list as it allows me to focus more attention on them. My passions do come and go as well. I will usually stick with one for a few years then my attention moves to something new. I will return to an old passion when I have either had my fill of the current one or something from a previous one sparks my interest again.

Some ebb and flow like the tides of life others stay with me forever. What are your passions?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Vindaloo from scratch!

So today I decided to make Vindaloo again. This time I wanted to make it from scratch. I love to cook and if I can try something and make it as it is meant to be then I am all for the trying.

I did some searching online and found a recipe that had received some great reviews and comments. Although the recipe had a long spice list, it had very few steps and looked completely doable. One thing I noticed but didn't really think about was the prep time that was listed at the top of the recipe. One and a half hours to two hours to do the prep and cook it. It took me almost the full two hours to make it.
Grinding the whole spices for the vindaloo paste

I started the whole process with buying all the spices that I would need for it and after borrowing the mortar & pestle from the guys upstairs I got started.

Just so you know I have this romanticized notion about grinding the spices in the traditional old fashion way. I know that it would take time and more effort but it would bring out the better flavours in the food, or so I was thinking.

I didn't realized until I got into it just how much hard work it was and how well the spices were ground depended on how much effort I wanted to put forth. Oy! I ground and ground and ground until I was sore and tired from all the grinding. In the end it was totally worth it as I had a wonderfully tasty product to enjoy for dinner. In the days to come I will purchase a spice/coffee grinder for future batches, will be so much easier on my me and my time. It is also my plan to make large batches of the spice/paste mix and freezing it to help save time and effort the next time I make this dish.

Cooking the Vindaloo paste
The main goal in the process is to make a paste that you cook up for the dish. The paste includes all the spices you see above plus some other ingredients that add moisture and texture. The nice thing about this recipe is the hotness level.

The original recipe asks for 5 chili peppers and if you like it with a bite that burns your tongue and makes your nose run then that is the right amount of chilies to use. If you want to experiment then I would suggest using only one or two the first time around. You might want to be able to taste the amazing flavour that the hotness can hide if it is too much for you. Experienced 'spice-aholics' will have no problem with using the 5 chilies or even more. Dan is one of those. The hotter the better!

Finished product.
Well after making the paste and cooking the beef I threw them all together and made the final dish. I usually serve any E. Indian dish that I make with rice. It just seems to go well together. I decided to pan fry some fresh green beans until they were warm and still slightly crisp, tossed them with salt/pepper and butter and served them on the side. Was a pretty good dinner.

Dan was in Awe of my cooking accomplishment. He told me that he has decided to give up cooking all together because he loves mine so much. I told him that he still had to maintain his BBQ King and Omelet Master statuses as he is the best at those. I will do all the rest!

Will definitely get myself the spice grinder and make this dish again and again as I have a great deal of the whole spices left. I could've bought all the spices pre-ground and that is an option for another time or someone else. The heat level was at the upper level of what I could handle but it was perfect for Dan. As I mentioned earlier I figure I will make large batches and freeze them. Quick easy meals.

For those of you that want to try it here is the link where I got the recipe I used:
Beef Vindaloo - The real thing!

On to the next cooking experiment and challenge!! Woohoo!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Born this Way

Back in the Spring of 2011, Lady GaGa released her second studio album "Born this Way!". The early hype really started pushing the first release from the album as the new 'gay anthem' in America. I remember hearing about that and some of my first thoughts were wondering if either she was being a presumptuous bitch thinking she is "all that and more" (her fame had gone to her head) or her label was trying to push something on us just because she was their new star.

Because of the early hype I had decided that I would ignore the music for awhile and make my judgement later if I felt it was worthwhile. I personally don't like it when someone assumes the rest of us are gonna decide that an object, song, book, or whatever is gonna be the next BIG thing. I believe it is up to US the public to decide for ourselves.

There is an old saying that goes "when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME". I believe that when you assume something your are just making an ass of yourself. But then the big companies assume a great deal and quite often make asses of themselves in the process. ;-)

Now that almost a year has gone by and I have heard the song on the radio and seen people's response to GaGa and what she does, I find that I do like the song and there is a good message to it. I also applaud GaGa for what she stands for and what she is attempting to do for society. She showing us that she is a pretty decent role model in a weird way!

And as predicted it is becoming the new "Gay Anthem". Now I wonder if that is so because they told us it would be or did the gay community actually figure its own that it is a song worthy of the designation? A question for future philosophers to figure out.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Yummy Sushi!

I thoroughly enjoy Sushi! It was something that a former coworker introduced me to a number of years ago. The sushi restaurant that we went to used to have a Food Safe instructor as the manager so we felt pretty comfortable with the food there. The building is no longer there but the Chef and manager have both moved on to other places and I like to frequent the spot where the chef ended up.

Now I had the same reaction that many do when you hear about eating raw fish, YUCK! We are so conditioned in our western society that RAW is yucky. But we do enjoy fresh foods and that is a big reason why I like sushi. I was told once by a Japanese lady that SUSHI meant "freshly prepared" and that not all 'sushi' is raw or raw fish.

Salmon and Tuna Sashimi
I will say that once I tried it I was hooked! (pun intended). Of all the sushi style foods that I have tried I have yet to find one that I didn't like. There are definitely some that I like more but that is typical with any type of foods. One of my real favorites is Sashimi which refers to thin slices of fish served without rice. My sashimi favorite is tuna and salmon. I find the tuna is melt in the mouth buttery and the salmon has a mellow flavour that you just want to savour! In the picture you can see the salmon and two types of tuna being served up as a sashimi plate. Served with the usual wasabi (green horseradish) and pickled ginger. I love pickled ginger, it is so good for you!

The Japanese are pretty smart. They serve the ginger with all their sushi dishes. There are several reasons why. Ginger is a root with multiple uses. Served with the sushi it accomplishes several functions. These are the four that I am aware of:

  1. It cleanses your palate. It will cleanse your palate of the previous flavours preparing you for the next.
  2. Natural antiseptic. Before the advent of refrigeration not all sushi was as safe to eat as it is today. 
  3. Settles the stomach. Prevents bloating and aides in the digestion of your food.
  4. Deals with heartburn. Works well in reducing heartburn and acid reflux.
It is also known to help with nausea and motion sickness. I have eaten ginger for years and for the various reasons I just mentioned. I find that it works rather well for me. The pickled ginger that is served with sushi will come in a couple different colors. Standard ginger is a pale yellow but most often I have found it in a pale pink, dark pink or a reddish color. It all depends on the food coloring that is added to the pickling brine.

There are so many different kinds of sushi out there but I have found that it is served in two main ways:

1. Maki-sushi are the rolls.
    2. Nigri-sushi are fish on top of a rice balls

Not all maki-sushi has the seaweed wrap like the ones you see above, some have the seaweed on the inside and it is wrapped in rice, sort of a reverse/inside-out roll. The nigri-sushi rice balls are usually like a small egg shape and then the slice of fish is placed on top.

The rolls can have most anything on the inside and the great thing about the rolls is that you can be creative and come up with your own fillings if you know how to make them. I figure it is worth learning. Making it fresh at home would be fun!

The nigri-sushi looks the easiest as you just need to shape the rice into a ball/egg like shape and then place your sliced fish on top. Some places will wrap a thin strip of seaweed around it like a belt, to hold the fish in place and to look decorative. With nigri you can also be creative and place most anything on top. Some restaurants have more options than just fish for the maki and nigri.

The boyfriend and I often like to grab some premade sushi from the local market place and have it as an appetizer before dinner. The boyfriend doesn't like 'raw' fish sushi so the one we often get is the teriyaki salmon (cooked). Is his favorite.

If you have never tried sushi then explore it with someone that does eat it and they can help you find something that just might be to your liking. Not all sushi is fish or raw, there are veggie options as well as cooked beef and chicken.

If you already know how tasty it is then keep on enjoying it! It is such healthy food!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Answering a comment left on my blog...

The other day I posted about my week worth of graveyard shifts that I am currently in the midst of. Someone that saw my blog post commented on that day. Although it was a comment that really did not relate to my blog entry, the person posed a great question that I figure I would use as my basis for today's blog entry.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "So today I start my first of the last 5 graveyards...": 
 ---> Hi Robbie, what do you enjoy most in life? 

What do I enjoy most in life? It is a question that can have many answers depending on how I feel at the moment of answering. When tired I would say 'I enjoy a good night's sleep', if hungry the answer would be 'a home cooked meal', or if I am in a bad mood my response would be 'to be left alone'. There are variety of answers one could give to that question. I usually ask for the person be a bit more specific so that I can give a clearer more specific answer. In general though, my answer is all of the above plus more.

If I had to be more to the point then my reply would be "I enjoy most in the world anything that brings a smile to my face and laughter to my soul." A smile brightens anyone's outlook and laughter can make a bad situation/day a better one. I equate smiles and laughter to a day full of sunshine and warmth. If you have read any of my previous blogs then you will be aware of how much I love sunshine. So in equal measure I love smiles and laughter. Simple equation.

So at any time in my life I enjoy the most sharing with a loved one a day full of sunshine, warm breezes, laughter galore and smiles that make your face feel like it will be stuck like that forever.

Hope that answers your question Anonymous!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So today I start my first of the last 5 graveyards I will be doing for awhile. Yippee!

Back when I started with VIHA in May of 2011 I was strictly a casual employee, which is the usual way to start a job in health care. To make sure I got the hours I needed to make the pay I required, I made myself available for all shifts including graveyards. I knew that not many people would be willing to do the overnight shifts as it is difficult on the personal life. This would mean that I would be getting more calls. More calls equals more hours and pay. This would also help me to accrued as many hours as I could to build up my seniority. Greater seniority would improve my chances of getting a position with shifts that I would like better. That is what happened.

Now my seniority isn't that great still as I have only been with my current employer for less than a year. The average full time employee works approximately 1,950 hours per year. This does not include overtime. So between May 2011 and March 2012 (ten months) I have worked a total 1,150 hours. That is only 800 hours short of full time. Not too bad for a casual in the first year. By the time I reach my first anniversary with this job I will have most likely worked another 300 hours bringing my total up to 1,450 hours. That is the equivalent of a part time employee. The numbers make my seniority rating look good.

Last summer I applied for and successfully received a temporary part time position doing graveyard shifts; I started the position in September. Between September 2011 and January 2012 I worked only graveyards. It was hard. Almost six months of night shifts. Less than half of that time I was at home in bed at night with my sweetheart because of work. I would try and sleep during the day but it isn't easy when the guys upstairs are home and it is an old house with practically no sound proofing. As well my sweetheart would rush through his day to come home as quick as he could to come cuddling in bed with me. As sweet as that is it also cuts my sleeping down by 25% because I would get less than 8 hours sleep. I was lucky if I got 6 hours. My sweetheart's selfish need to spend time with me would cut down my sleeping time and affect my health and moods. He had a hard time understanding why I was grumpy all the time. He would always blame the job and the hours I worked, never himself for waking me up in the middle of my deep sleep just so he could cuddle. Trying to explain to him how his actions were affecting me is like talking to a dog about financial security; he hears the words but they only register as 'I am getting some attention'.

I love my man dearly and willingly put up with all his quirks as he puts up with mine. It is just sometimes frustrating when he still has that "It's all about me" attitude found in those emotionally stuck in their 20's. Yes I know is 27 and that is still in his 20's but he shows every sign of being someone that will one day be in their 30's and 40's and still be an emotional 20 something year old! I hope time proves me wrong.

Back in January I changed into another temporary position that gave me the opportunity to work less graveyards and more days/afternoon shifts. It has been great. I am home at night in bed more and I have had the opportunity to enjoy working with other shifts and even seeing the sunshine! This month I change positions again but this time it is into a permanent position that has no graveyards at all! Even better!

This new position guarantees me 4 shifts a week, has me working the same days each week, comes with all the benefits a job should have, provides more work based training and gives me some variety so the job doesn't become too routine or boring. I would be working alternately day shifts one week and afternoon shifts the next. No graveyards unless I accept extra shifts here and there. Overall this new position gives me greater job security and stability. I am definitely looking forward to things next week. I officially start the position on March 22, 2012.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"If you don't like the weather then just wait 15 minutes", is a common saying around Victoria. The time frame in the saying will change from person to person but the sentiment is the same. Usually during the Spring and Autumn months our weather is quite changeable and it will change multiple times in the course of one day.

Today was a good example.

I was walking down the street on my way to my hair cut appointment and along the 20 minute walk the weather  lived up to the saying. It started with a light drizzle of rain, nothing that a typical Victoria resident cannot handle. Like our Vancouver counterparts we often walk around with an umbrella during this time of the year or wear a jacket with a hood. After about 10 minutes the rain turned to a light snow. Three to five minutes later the snow became hail. A couple minutes of hail then it became a gentle down pouring of rain again. By the time I arrived at my appointment the rain was starting to ease off leaving us with an overcast grey sky; the usual.

For the most part the rain came and went today with the sun making a small appearance among the white clouds. Usually it depends on how much moisture the clouds hold and whether the winds will blow them away before they can drop their full load. In this case I figure the clouds did their part and were done. Our winds will often bring us a fair amount of changeable weather. Over the course of the past two days we had quite the windstorm bringing with it a huge deluge of rain yesterday. I love the wind except when it has the freezing cold bite to it, then I can do with out.

So as I sit here the sun is making itself more apparent and that is a great thing. I just hope it warms up too!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Flower Count Results for 2012

I first mentioned the flower count back in my blog dated February 21, 2012. So here are the 2012 results for the 36th Annual Flower Count are now in.

According to the news it was a bad year. We have more than 731 million blooms in the City of Victoria and over 2 billion blooms in the Greater Victoria area. Supposedly it is only about a tenth of the amount of blooms that were recorded for the 2010 year. Personally I don't care whether it was a bad year or not, we had more blooms in our city and surrounding area that the rest of Canada had in total (not an accurate fact just my personal opinion). Most of Canada is still stuck in the midst of winter and would probably only have a handful of flowering shrubs and/or bulbs blooming anywhere.

Western Canada is well known for its milder climate and here on Vancouver Island we seem to have the mildest area of all. This year with our tally of over 2 billion (2,043,380,013) blooms of snowdrops, daffodils, hyacinths, forsythia, cherry blossoms and many other flowers we still have something to gloat about. While the rest of Canada is grey and dreary we are bursting with the colours of spring and the promise of tremendous bounty. It is a wondrous site to behold!

One of the areas in the Greater Victoria Area that can boast the greatest amount of blossoms in a single area or property is the Butchart Gardens. For those that have never heard of them or never been, it is a absolutely gorgeous place to go. It started out as a limestone quarry and when the limestone ran out the wife of the quarry owner Mrs. Butchart decided to reclaim the area and started turning it into a garden. Being the supportive husband that he was Mr. Butchart brought in birds, plants and art from around the world to add to his wife's pride and joy.

By 1920 the garden was was renowned for its beauty and flowering wonders. If you want to learn more about the gardens and its history then check out the link I have provided below. It is a great place to see if you are ever in the area. I highly recommend it.

Our tourist season will be starting soon so I would suggest you add it to your list of things to do the next time you are here. You will be able to see many of the blossoms that were apart of our annual count.

Butchart Gardens

Sunday, March 11, 2012

OMG! I don't know if there was something in the air or there is a full moon on it's way or what. Tonight at work was so fricken crazy!

To start things off we were working short handed tonight. One of the care aides called in sick and our staffing office didn't get the message in time so they were unable to fill the shift. Therefore the care aides that were there were run off their feet all afternoon. And because they were so busy, the residents who needed assistance couldn't find anyone to help them except me. I was busy trying to get my regular duties done in a timely manner and as well I had several residents calling for help every 30 seconds and others tracking me down looking for assistance. I had residents following me around looking for something to do every 5 minutes. I had residents acting like they were staff and getting into all the staffing areas and getting irritated when we would boot them out. It was just one after another over and over until it was time for everyone to go to bed for the night. UGH!

Thankfully I made it through my shift repeating my personal mantra " I LOVE MY JOB! " over and over again. I kept saying it hoping to convince myself that I do love my job. Yes I do love it but tonight really pushed me to the limit of my love for my job! Tonight was a night that I came close to really not liking it. I am just happy that nothing serious went wrong or anyone became injured, ill or died. 

There were a few that I wanted the wring their wrinkly little necks just to get them to smarten up and stop acting like 3 year children. I know that each of the care aides was pushed pretty close to their personal limits too, especially with one patient that kept calling out every 30 seconds or less. 

I know there will be more shift like that in my future. I am just praying that they are few and far in between. Thankfully I now have the next two days off. I am not gonna except any more shifts regardless of the over time being offered this week. I need my two days off just to recoup and prepare for the five graveyard shifts I have next week.

Off to bed for me. I need the sleep! YAH! I GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW MORNING! YAH!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cherishable moments

Today Dan and I went up to Qualicum Beach to visit his Nana. Unfortunately she is terminally ill with Pancreatic Cancer. Although this is a sad time for all of us it was a good visit and we are both the richer for it.

Our trip up to see her started as most trips do with us walking out the door. It was at that moment when I had my first 'cherish the moment' event of the day. As I was walking from the door to the car I had this wonderful feeling. In the back of my mind were many thoughts about how my life is right now. I have a job that is challenging, satisfying and pays well. I have friends and family that love me. Rent is paid and bills are up to date. It was a bright warm day. I was about to join my sweetheart and our dog in the car for a trip upisland to see another loved one. All together these thoughts engendered a warm glow within my core. It made that very moment special and cherishable.

While driving upisland to see Nana, Toby (the dog) was in the back seat with his head resting on the centre console and I was holding Dan's hand as he drove. Every once in awhile one of us would squeeze the other's hand and receive a return squeeze. Occasionally Toby would sit up and rest his head on either my shoulder or Dan's shoulder. Whenever he did that we would rest our head on his or turn our head to give him a little kiss on the snout. Little moments like this have their own special magic due to how they make you feel.

While up visiting with Nana we enjoyed great conversation. We shared stories of Nana's past, how our lives are currently, our thoughts and feelings about today's world and just little bits of life here and there. Like I stated before it was great. Our visit was only about 2-3 hours long. It was enough for today. We made plans for the following weekend and we shall see how that goes.

On the drive back we stopped at the Pioneer House restaurant at Whippletree Junction. (I have talked about this place in a previous blog post dated Feb. 11/12.) We had a nice meal sitting across the table from one another talking a bit about how the afternoon went. On the remainder of the drive home we sat quietly and held hands while listening to music from my iPod. Dan has one of those car stereos where we can connect an external music source like an iPod, it is great for road trips when you get sick of the CDs and the radio isn't getting any decent stations. Sometimes a break from talking is healthy. It can be good to relax, listen to music while your mind ruminates on the various thoughts in your own head. Every once in awhile one of us would start singing along with the song and that would make us each smile.

Now this evening we are at home watching some TV programs, blogging and relaxing. A good combo I feel.  Nothing extravagant or truly special but it is nice and calm. Our day has been a heart warming one full of cherishable moments. I have days like this once in awhile and I like to remember them as much as I can. The days and moments that evoke really strong emotional tones are usually the ones I recall the best. Today wasn't one that I will recall all the details too but I will remember having a day like this at this time in my life.

It is good for all of us to recognize these moments when they happen. To remember them as best as we can. To enjoy them as much as possible. Some of us are fortunate to have many of these and others only have a few but regardless I feel that they are all worth cherishing. If you are able to increase the amount of times this in your life then I applaud you for that, is a worthwhile goal.

Take the time to cherish your moments!

Friday, March 9, 2012


It has been a really long day.
I have been awake since 5:30am, at work by 7am and was supposed to be finished work at 3pm.
I was called by staffing services and offered extra hours at overtime rates. I said yes.
I don't mind overtime as it nicely pads the paycheque but it definitely makes for a long work day.
Today I worked my regularly schedule 0700-1500 shift at my usual work site. Then I rode my bike from there to another work site on the other side of town (took me 30 minutes travel time) to do the overtime hours.
I was supposed to work until 2300 hrs but the RN was gracious and said I could leave an hour early.
Now it is almost 11pm and I am tired and really don't feel like writing much of a blog today.

Will do something more tomorrow.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

a BIG peeve of mine!

My least favorite word in the world is the "R" word. Now for those that have been around a while will probably know what the "R" word is that I am referring. For those that are not in the knowing the word I am talking about is "Retard".

I have worked with people with disabilities for 20 years or so. In those years I have developed a strong dislike of that word. You could even go so far to say that I HATE IT! You would too if you had to see how that particular word is often used and how it affects those who bear the brunt of the pain when the word is used against them.

I know that in the dictionary it is considered a 'proper' word with a definition. My Webster dictionary defines the word in the following ways:

  1. to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : to impede.
  2. to delay academic progress by failure to promote : to hinder.
Another entry states this:
  1. a holding back or slowing down : retardation.
Now I know it is a dictionary and it tries to explain things in a professional, non biased manner and when you look at the above definitions it doesn't look or sound too bad, but, when used in reference to someone it definitely isn't nice.

In some of the newer dictionaries that I have seen they used the word "retardate" to refer specifically to a challenged person. The Websters dictionary actually uses the phrase "a mentally retarded person" as the the definition. Even my medical dictionary published by Taber's uses the word "retardate" with  pretty much the same words.

The website uses a nicer definition that doesn't refer to a person at all. Urban on the other hand refers specifically to a person or people. It almost sounds like they are trying to be funny and make others who think like that feel like idiots but it is still not that great.
Dictionary. com - retard
Urban Dictionary - retard

I recently came across a website that talks about eliminating the word. I like their stance. On their website they encourage people to pledge to support the elimination of the derogatory use of  the r-word in everyday speech. It is all about promoting the acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities. It has some great ideas of how to go about doing your part. I had one of my friends connect me to them and I am happy she did. I encourage you to check it out.
R-word | Spread the Word to End the Word.

In my years working with those with disabilities you learn just how hurtful the word can be. If I hear the word being used I say something to that person. Depending on my impression of what they meant when they said it will determine how irate I get about it. I am willing to be forgiving about it if I am sure you were not being insulting or idiotic about it. I have a friend/former coworker that gets even more irate about it than I do and she is someone you don't want to make mad. She is less forgiving than I am.

There are rarely any good scenarios where you can use the word and not be offensive. If you are talking about scientific or medical procedures you might have cause to use the word in an appropriate manner but in everyday life and speech it is never appropriate.

So consider this my fair warning on the matter of the "R" word!

I will sic my friend on you!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I adore crystals and prisms and how they refract light. How they turn sunlight through the window into rainbows on the walls of the room.

I have one hanging in my kitchen window and today the rainbows on the walls put a huge smile on my face. Now that winter is pretty much over I am looking forward to my cheerier moods and happier days. I know that I go on and on about how I love the sunshine. I will continue to go on about it! It is amazing sometimes just how much it truly affects me. Part of it is that I do suffer from Seasonal Affect Disorder (S.A.D.) and part of it is that I have always loved bright colors and rainbows! How can you not love rainbows; one of natures great wonders.

As a gay man rainbows do have an addition significance but that is not what I am talking about today.

I had a great day at work today. Even though I was orientating a new LPN and the work load was a full one, it was a great day. The bike ride home was nice. The weather was sunny and warm and when I got home the sun was shining through the window. In the window I have a crystal that was sparkling madly in the sun and throwing bright rainbow colors all over the place. It just made the smile on my face all the bigger.

Today has been a great day! I really look forward to more of the same in the days to come. Spring is definitely on it way and the dreariness of winter is on its way out! I hope your day was a great one for you too!

If you were interested in learning more about S.A.D. then you should check out the links I have added below.

Seasonal Affect Disorder - Canadian Mental Health
Seasonal Affect Disorder - Wikipedia