Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Belief, My Faith.

Faiths of the World
Here is a topic that is a bit more serious than postings about me and my loved ones. I figured I would start with a few that spoke more to what I believe in and stuff that truly shaped me in my life and guides me today.
So here is the first one.

There are many different religions around the world and each religion seems to have its many off shoots. Including the many cults that abound as well. I have explored a few religions in my years and have come to the conclusion that there is no ONE true religion and no single religion that will work for the masses.
As a society, whether Western or Eastern, we are a people that cannot see eye to eye on most things. Sure we came together and created cultures & traditions, governments & laws, countries & geographic boundaries, and religions that suited the majority, BUT, we still do not see eye to eye. Each culture has different traditions. Each government has laws that differ from one another. And although many countries are friendly with each other their over all view is "what's good for you isn't always good for us". And when it comes to religion...OH MY OH MY!! The clashes never end. It is bad enough when the people disagree with one another on differing points of opinion; when you bring someone's faith into the picture you had better be well armoured against the upcoming battle!

Through my experiences I have come to a conclusion that fits me and how I live my life. I do believe there is a power that is greater than us. I do not know if there is one power or many but I do believe there is something out there. You can call it what you will whether that is God, Allah, Yahweh, Brahma, Buddha, Krishna, the Supreme Being, the Universe, etc. Each person has their own word that will encompass it. For me it just is. No real name or title; IT just IS. I do use the word 'God' and all the other Christian derived words because that is how I was raised and taught. They are also the words that others understand when I speak. When I talk and think about it with myself I use my own words that are not a part of any one religion or faith.

Yes I do converse with myself at times. No, this isn't crazy talk. I know for a fact it is normal. We all do it in one way or another.

My mother taught me, back when she first discovered her personal faith, that each person has their own individual/personal connection to God or the Power that Is. No two were alike and therefore no one should tell you that it is wrong just because it is different from others. Since that time her view on that seems to have changed but mine has not. I still believe your connection is all your own. Your own individual personal connection.

One of the many things that drew me to religion in the first place is that sense of belonging and connection to one another. I grew up in a family that is close and very loving. So when I explored the faiths and beliefs of others I got a sense of how they belonged to something. It is this sense of belonging that truly appealed to me. Every organized religion I explored had a sense of that and it was very comforting. Unfortunately it wasn't enough. Each one had too many contradictions embedded in their belief system; I found that frustrating and disappointing. How could a system that spouts off unconditional love, peace and acceptance of all be so judgmental, inconsistent and so willing to turn their back on you when it is discovered that you are different in any way? It was this way of acting and thinking that caused me to walk away each time. In my life all I have ever wanted from anyone was Love, Respect and Acceptance for who I am. They only time I would get any of that from any religious group was if I was willing to become just like them. I had to submerge my identity within theirs to achieve the love, respect and acceptance I wanted, needed and felt I deserved. I couldn't do it, not for the long term. I am too much my own individual to submerge myself into a group identity just to be apart of something bigger. If I cannot be Me within the group then I do not belong and do not want to be there. Doesn't mean I am not a team player it just means that I have my own identity and always will.

In the process of my explorations I discovered the good and bad of the many faith systems I encountered. I chose from each what I considered to be the best parts and made them part of my person system. I wanted something the wasn't full of contradictions and incompatible thoughts and ideas. I am not saying what I have constructed will work for you. It isn't meant for you or anyone else, only me. My faith is mine alone. I do encourage others to explore more and find what works for you. Some of you have already achieved this and I will wholeheartedly support you in living your life in this way. Those of you that are still looking, be patient, you will find what you are looking for when the time is right. It is a journey of discovery that is unique to each person.

In conclusion if you can call it that, I believe what I believe. It is my Belief, my Faith. I don't consider myself Religious. I consider myself Spiritual. I accept others for who they are and what they believe even when it doesn't mesh with mine. Most times it doesn't.

I won't get into the topic of Prophets and Messiahs as that would take a book to get my thoughts and feeling across.

So a final message to you on this topic can be summed up into one sentence.

[Unconditional] Love, [Complete] Respect and [Absolute] Acceptance of one another should be the most basic principle/tenet of any faith.

Monday, January 30, 2012

My Definition of Family

Misty, Toby and Dan all cuddled up
Recently I took this picture with my cell phone. Although the quality of the picture isn't the greatest it still shows you a lovely picture of those that I love the most. In this picture is my boyfriend and our pets.

If you have read any of my previous blog entries you will recognize Misty & Toby. Misty is in her usual spot on top of everything and of course Toby is snuggled under the covers as he likes to be. And as usual Dan has his typical smirk in place as I try and sneak a picture while he is on the phone.This picture shows one of those rare moments when both Misty & Toby are tolerating each other's presence in the room and on the bed. Usually She hisses and he backs off or he barks and she runs away. It is always funny when they play that game.

We may not be a typical family but we are one. Some people might even say we are not a traditional family but I disagree. I have read about and known many couples out there who have had a 'family' like ours. Your family is what you make of it. 

On the website www.dictionary.com it has this as one definition of "family":
a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for. 

That is definitely us. We are two adults and we care for our pets who are our 'children'. This our version of the traditional family. Dan would like actual children one day but I am good with the pets. I adore children in small doses. I am someone who prefers to be the doting uncle. Spoil the children then send them home to Mom & Dad. *wicked grin*

I am a firm believer in family being the social unit/group you create to surround yourself with those that love you. That unit or group will often consist of members of your biological family and people that are dear to you. I like to call this your "Family of the Heart". That is what it is. People that are close to your heart.

I am one of those fortunate ones that pretty much everyone in my biological family are part of my "Family of the Heart". And because I have many others that are dear to me I have an extensive "Family".

So in this picture you see my little family unit that is but a part of my greater "Family of the Heart".

I am a blessed individual.

It is my wish, hope and prayer for others that they find and create for themselves their very own "Family of the Heart" as I am strong in my belief that everyone deserves to be a part of such a family. I do not care if you believe as I do, whether we are friends or enemies, or if there is absolutely no connection between us, you as a person deserve a 'family' of your own. Family is what makes us who we are. Those without are really nobody.

We all deserve to be somebody. 

So this will be the last of the shmaltzy stuff for a bit as my next few entries will be about more serious stuff.
Please don't be afraid to tell me what you think.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


"whadda ya want?"
 This is Toby my boyfriend's dog. As of February 2012 he will be 4 years old. He is a Chocolate Lab crossed with a bit of Pointer. When he was picked out of the litter at the pet store Dan was told he was pure Lab. Dan found out later on as Toby was growing that he had some Pointer in him and that he wasn't a purebred. Dan went and complained to the store who of course didn't care. They pretty much told him that "you bought 'em you keep 'em". As pissed as Dan was he had already fallen in love with this puppy named Toby and he wouldn't give him up for anything. Dan was looking for a bit of a refund for being sold something that was not as advertised. He definitely wasn't returning the dog!

Toby is a gorgeous animal. He has a sleek build with beautiful chocolate coloring to him with just a small patch of white on his chest. He has the most expressive brown eyes I have ever seen on a dog as well.  Like a typical dog he has learned how to give you the pouty look when he wants attention or a treat. He is also quite smart. He knows a few dozen words and seems to understand when he is being told something. He is like a little child most of the time; always pushing boundaries to see what he can get away with.

Sitting nicely for a treat
As Dan was raising Toby he made sure to raise a dog that was good natured and lovable. Toby loves people, tolerates other dogs pretty good and finds cats (like mine) intriguing. He loves to go for walks and play in big fields. He is an explorer dog as he is constantly sniffing out everything everywhere. Nothing is off limits for his sniffer it seems. Every time we go to the park (and he totally understands the words 'walk' and 'park') he is straining at the leash to get there ASAP. He never forgets where any park is that he has been too and knows the way to get there. We could walk to a park one day and drive the next going a different route and he will know that we are near a park he has been too. He seems to have that innate sense of direction and where he is at all times. 

One of Toby's favorite games to play is 'keep away' or 'try and catch me'. We have a ball chucker that really throws it far. Toby loves it. The only problem is that when he returns with the ball he doesn't return the ball; it becomes game time and he plays the games I mentioned above. You definitely get your exercise as he is getting his when you take him to the park. At the local park we take him to there is a small group of dog owners that come out most every evening around the same time and it is great as it allows Toby to make friends and socialize with the other dogs.

In many ways Toby is a spoiled puppy. He gets treats every day and 9 times out of 10 Toby gets to go to work with Dan. Dan works in property management/maintenance and goes to various sites around the city and he takes Toby with him. Toby is rarely alone and everyone loves him. You can't help but love a beautiful dog with a wonderful temperament. The only real down side to Toby is that he is a jealous dog. He doesn't like it when you give attention to the cat and not him. He is a bit of a 'drama boy' that way. He is very much like Dan! LOL.

During his puppy year(s) Dan made sure Toby got lots of love. One of Toby's favorite things to do is cuddle. Whenever Toby was whining or crying as a puppy he would be cuddled to provide comfort and he was lavished with attention at every opportunity. Dan is a staunch believer is showing your pets all your love all the time. So now whenever you are laying on the bed Toby wants to be invited up and he will crawl under the covers and lay beside you. At any time if he feels you are upset or the emotional tone in the room is not a positive one he will come over to you and whine hoping you will cuddle him so the two of you can share some love and comfort. Toby is an absolute sweetheart that way. 

"Num num num this is tasty!"
For the most part Toby and Misty (our pets) are OUR children but when one of them is bad or messes up they become "YOUR cat did this" or "YOUR dog did that" etc. It is quite funny. Just like parents bitching & complaining about their kids to each other! LOL. In the end though you don't care about the messes and other bad stuff as they are your children, your family, and you love them. There is nothing or no one that can make you give them up.

I grew up with pets of all kinds and have loved them all but it is always the ones we have now that we love the most. With my cat and Dan's dog we definitely have the ones we love the most at this time of our lives. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Sweet Kitty

My blue eyed beauty
 This is Misty. She is a cross between a Silver Tabby and a Classic Tabby. She has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen on a cat. At the time of these pictures she was about 10yrs old.
As of this year (2012) she is about 15yrs old. She is getting up there in age, especially for a cat. I have had her since she was five. I got her from a guy I was dating back then. He had 3 dogs and 2 cats and unfortunately she always got the short end of the stick. She was a cat in need of a loving home that she didn't have to share with other animals. During the past ten years she has been my sweetheart. She loves to sleep on my chest or beside me. Craves attention. Loves to be brushed, petted and scritched behind the ears. She has even learned to tolerate having her claws trimmed.

I do not believe in de-clawing cats. It is a form of cruelty. To de-claw a cat they have to amputate the first knuckle to remove the claws. By trimming her claws once a month I am usually able to stay on top of it. She used to have a scratching post but she stopped using it after my ex and I got a new couch. No matter what we did she loved sharpening her claws on the material. In all the years I had her that was the only piece of furniture she damaged. Since then Misty and I have moved, the couch is gone and she hasn't clawed anything else. Maybe she just didn't like the ex or the couch! LOL

Throughout the past few years she has had stomach issues. During the three years my ex and I were together she would vomit at least once a day. You could imagine the stains that developed on the carpet in the apartment we lived in. Thank goodness for the carpet cleaner we hired; he got all the stains out. In the house we moved to we had hard wood floors and it was easier to clean up her messes. She also seemed to vomit less, so I wondered if maybe she was allergic or sensitive to something in the apartment and its carpetting.

In 2010 she got sick. It lasted about a month. She was vomiting a lot, defecating in the living room and pissing in the corner. She didn't seem to remember where her litter box was even when I would show her repeatedly. I ended up taking her to the vet a couple times to try and figure out what was wrong. This was only the second time in all her time with me we went to the vet. The vet figured that maybe she had a gastro-intestinal infection which would explain the vomiting and loose bowels. But it didn't really explain anything else. Why was she suddenly acting so strange? Why was she not using her litter box and instead using the corner to do her business and crying all night long? I had hoped the vet would have more answers. He did prescribe some food additives to help settle her stomach and an antibiotic to deal with the supposed infection. The medication was a bust as it didn't do anything. The food additive seemed to work though as it settled her stomach and stopped the vomiting. And she seemed to get better at least for a few months.

The vet's next suggestion was to have her teeth cleaned as she has some tartar build up and that could've contributed to her 'infection'. This would cost me an estimated $1000 or more. YIKES! I cannot afford that. I love my cat but I am not shilling out that much money just to clean her teeth. She is 15yrs old. If she has lived this well for this long she can handle some tartar build up on her teeth. I have not gone back to the vet since. My boyfriend doesn't like vets. He figures they are scam artists of the sneakiest kind. After my experience I am in agreement. To clean my teeth it costs less than $200, why should her's cost 5 times that?
Lounging in the sun

Recently she started doing it again. Vomiting everywhere and defecating in all the wrong areas even though she was still using her litter. She started losing some weight and I thought for sure this was the end of it for her. I was contemplating calling the vet once more. I was gonna see about having her put to sleep so that she would not have to suffer through this again. Last time the food additive helped so I decided to try that again. It seemed to work. Her episodes of defecating stopped and she eventually stopped vomiting. She seems to be on the mend again and I am happier. I am not looking forward to the day when she passes.

I am a firm believer in comfort care. When the time comes I will make her comfortable and try to minimize her suffering. I am not going to spend mucho $$ just to extend her life. At this point in her existence she has lived a full life and anything else is bonus for her and for me. For those of you that are pet owners you can understand the emotional turmoil you go through with your animals when they are sick and/or dying. Many of you will do every thing in your power to extend the life of your beloved pet and others will decide it is best just to end it before the suffering goes on too long. I am definitely one of the later bunch. When she was in the middle of her more recent illness period I was sure it was the end. I remember posting on Facebook how sad I was that she was coming to her end. I mentioned the troubles the vets were putting me through because they wanted lots of $$ just assess her before they would consider allowing me the option to euthanize her. I got lots of support from my friends. Many were giving me other vet options that some of them had used to bringing their pet's lives to a gentle end. It is at times like this when you find out how much people truly care. 

In September 2010 I moved to a new place and my boyfriend moved in with me. He brought with him his dog Toby who is a full size chocolate lab/pointer cross. He is gorgeous and super sweet. I will write about him in a future blog and show you some pictures. Misty wasn't too sure what to make of him. Like all cats and dogs they didn't get along right away; they still don't. They are learning to tolerate each other.

Misty likes to claw his nose when he gets too close and he likes to growl at her when she is in his way. They both will eat and drink out of each others dishes. Sometimes when one or the other isn't paying attention you can catch then hanging out and lounging in the living room. Sometimes I think they are putting on a show just for us. They are funny around each other in so many ways.

For a cat that went from being on the bottom rung of the ladder she is now at the top. She was too scared when she was living with the other cats and dogs to stand up for herself but over the years she has blossomed and learn to defend her space. She is learning how to share it now with a dog but this time she is making sure she is the queen of the castle and she rules with a sharp claw! 

When the time comes to bring her life to a gentle close I think I will have her remains cremated so that I can have her ashes with me. I had thought of burying her but there is no place that feels right. She is an indoor cat so there is no place in the great outdoors that would suit her. I figure I could get a nice little box that I can seal shut and paste her picture on. I figure that would be a nice thing for me. I am definitely not one of those people that have their pets stuffed so that they can keep them around as if they are still alive. I find that creepy. I would get rid of her stuff as I would not be getting another cat after her. My last cat Dinah lived to be 18yrs old and she was buried with her brother in the yard of the old house we lived in years ago. Dinah was an indoor/outdoor cat so burying her in the yard where he brother is buried was appropriate. After out living two cats I figure that I don't want another one. I will probably get another pet some time in the future but for now Misty is enough and as long as the boyfriend and I are together I also have Toby. 
She is the prettiest one around

Friday, January 27, 2012

My "Coming Out" story.

For those of you that know me, I am a gay man. For those of you that didn’t know, well now you do! I am comfortable with identifying as gay and sharing it with others in my life. When I was 20 years old I decided that I needed to be true to myself and I came out of the closet without ever looking back. There was no way I was going allow myself to hide from my personal truth again. In the process I was fortunate in many ways.  I realized quickly that the friends I wanted around me were the ones who accepted me right away without any trouble. The friends that said good bye were doing me a favour by removing themselves from my life.
Of course it didn’t all happen at once. It took years to get to the point where I was ready to come out. And it took me years to achieve complete comfort within my own skin.

Some background that lead me to that point…
You see, when I was 13 years old I knew I liked the boys. I even had my first sexual encounter with another boy when I was about 14. I had already lost my virginity with the girls before that and it all felt good to me but it was the boys that turned my crank more.  So as I got older I found that the attraction to the boys was becoming my focus. When I was 16 my interest was only the boys but it wasn’t until I was 18 years old that I started to figure it out what it all meant to me.
When I was 16 years old we moved to Vernon BC. My first summer there I met a rather hot looking young man. He was 3 years older and our mothers became good friends. He was blonde, self assured and had the nicest legs. It was those legs that really drew my attention. It wasn’t until I was 18 though that him and I made any kind of move towards each other. Before then I was too scared to do more than just sneaks peeks at him.

On the night that I came out I went with a friend New Years Eve party in Kelowna. It was a fun night. It was then and there that I realized the full truth and made the decision to be honest with myself and everyone else. I even met my first boyfriend there. We didn’t start dating until a couple weeks later.  

After that New Years Eve night where I had my personal epiphany things progressed pretty fast. One of the first people I told was my mother and she was the only one that really made it difficult for me.
I was a bit of a momma’s boy growing up, therefore I felt a strong responsibility to be open and honest with my mother even though deep down I knew she would not be okay with things. Growing up my mother was a divorced single woman that worked hard to support her two children and when she had some free time she would enjoy it to the maximum. She was a very fun loving mother in the early years. Later on during her second marriage things changed. My mother had a nervous breakdown and her solution to her emotional/mental turmoil was the discovery of her faith in Christ. From that point on my mother wasn’t the same fun loving person that would’ve understood and accepted me for me. She became a judgmental, close minded individual who never truly understood or accepted anyone unless they shared the same faith as her. So when I came out of the closet she judged me and disowned me.

I remember taking her to our favorite buffet restaurant for lunch. We shared a nice lunch together and afterwards I told her that I was gay and wanted three things from her. I wanted (1) her love, (2) her respect and (3) her acceptance. In response she said to me (1) you have my love for you are my son and a child of God and all God’s children deserve love, (2) you have my respect as you have earned it through your actions and honesty with me, (3) but you do not have my acceptance. I cannot accept the lifestyle you have ‘chosen’ to live and as such you are no longer welcome in my home and I will no longer feel welcome in yours. Lunch was over and I almost thought my life was as well.

In the 10yrs that followed I saw/spoke to my mother less than a half dozen times and always at her convenience. It hurt. It hurt a lot. Here was the one person that had always been there for me during everything. How could a mother and woman of God cast aside the blood of her blood, flesh of her flesh, her eldest child? Someone she even claimed she loved and respected because he was worthy of it. In the end it came down to the fact that her faith was everything to her and nothing and no one mattered in comparison. Up to this point my feelings on faith and religion were positive ones but after that I had serious issues with God and religion. (More of my thoughts on God and religion in a future blog)

I took solace in the fact that many other people I cherished in my life still cherished me. My brother and dearest friend at the time (my sister of the heart) both accepted, respected and loved me more because I was open and honest with them and myself. To this day my relationships with the two of them are as strong as could be. My sister (of the heart) is a woman of faith and like my mother she discovered her faith later in life. My sister showed me how a person of faith should act towards others and thanks to her my thoughts on God and religion took on a more positive note once again. She showed me the love and acceptance that all should have for one another regardless of who/what you are.

So in the 10yr after the fall-out with my mother I rediscovered myself. I learned that I could stand on my own that I truly didn’t need anyone, I could could be my own complete person. Over those years I took my time and slowly told the rest of my family. The only other one that had some problems was my father’s elder sister but she came around quickly with the help of her daughter who supported me whole heartedly. Ten years after last seeing my mother she contacted me and wanted to reconnect. She was going through something and wanted to see her sons. The reunion was a nice one. I had realized that although I had missed my mother, I could live without her. I still loved her but also discovered that I really didn’t like her. Our reunion was brief. There was a little bit of drama between her and my brother; they had issues of their own between them. And since that reunion I have not heard from my mother. Something happened that caused her to disown the whole family and many years later none of us know where she is or if she is still alive.

In the end all was good for me. My life is great. I have relatives who love and support me, friends that cherish me and a family of the heart that combines all of them together. I didn’t know it then but I was lucky. It got better for me after the shaky start. I came out of the closet willing to fight for my freedom, had a couple knock downs but I got up and kept fighting and it got better. To this day I am still fighting the good fight as there are others out there that need help.

Victoria Pride 2009
So THANK YOU to all those in my life that helped me get to this point. Each of know who you are. I LOVE YOU!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Relationship with Dan the Man!

Caught in mid sentence.
How it started...

It was April 23, 2010. I was feeling a bit lonely and itching to get out and reconnect with a few friends and have some fun.
A month previous I ended a 3 month relationship with a rather sweet guy (details in a future blog) and was feeling the need to get out of the house.
I had spent the past month working and sleeping and not much of anything else. So I was definitely in need of an opportunity to reconnect with life and my friends had provided me with an opening to do just that.

That night we all gathered at a mutual friend's place to sit & relax and figure out the game plan for the night. Each of us had dressed up in our 'party clothes' and started prepping ourselves with a few pre-bar drinks and 'party favours'. It was building up to be an exceptional Friday night!

We started the night at out local gay night club. Not everyone in our group is gay/lesbian but we as a group always enjoyed going out the to gay bar because it was more inclusive and would allow us to be more ourselves than any other bar in town. Usually it was also the only bar that had music we ALL could like.
The night started really good and just got better as time went on. We stayed and partied it up at the bar until closing time of 2:30am. At this point most of us were unwilling to call it a night as we felt we were just getting into our grooves! Next stop, the after hours club!

Now here in Victoria, BC Canada the bars are not allowed to serve alcohol after 2am unless you have a special license. So at this 'after hours' club you had to make do with non-alcoholic beverages. The strongest beverage that they sold were energy drinks to keep the 'hyper' mood flowing. At this point of the evening most anyone there was either drunk, stoned or high on something. Yes, I was drunk and on 'something'. It was party night for me and this is how I choose to 'work it' to the maximum. Please do not take this as an endorsement of any kind. This is my life, my choice and my responsibility. Make your own choices for your own reasons. Don't base it on anyone or anything else! But I digress....

At the after hours club the music was amazing and I was in the best of moods and having a blast. I was surrounded by my friends and no one was having a bad time. Although this all sounds good, the best part was yet to come. It was here at the after hours place the I met Dan.

It was about a half hour into things at the club when I met Dan. He was out with his friend and ex-boyfriend. The ex was introducing him to a few people and one of them of course was Me! Right away I liked him, and not just because his tooshie looked really good in his tight jeans, but because he had a really nice smile. A good smile will make me weak in the knees. In the altered stated of mental being that I was in that night his smile did wonders for me and it gave me the courage to talk to him. That night because I so enamored of Dan, I made a point of engaging him in a lengthy discussion so that I could have him to myself. In the picture above you can see the two of us sitting together having a chat with my arm around his shoulders and all my focus on him too. We talked for at least an hour maybe more. I recall telling  him all about me, what I was doing, how I was feeling, what I was up to and how I felt about him. I recall that I 'laid it on thick' that night. With the help of the ex I was able to get him to give me his number and I gave him mine. At the end of the night, around 4:30ish Dan said good night with a hug. I didn't hear from him for a week.

The following week on the Thursday he called me and invited me out for a drink. It was the first time in a long while that someone had asked me out, I am usually the one that makes the call. It made me feel really good.

We met up at a lounge bar around 10pm and started talking. We talked about the night we met and how funny he thought I was. Because I monopolized his time, told him many times how hot I thought he was and how good he looked in his jeans, he felt flattered and appreciated. He told me that he got a really good vibe/feeling from me and he liked that. He had spent the whole week thinking about that night and getting up the courage to call me. We sat and talked at the lounge bar for about two hours. Afterwards he invited me to his place and we talked a whole lot more. We were up till 4am talking. We started cuddling on the couch about 2am. Finally we called it a night and I had to say good bye. I was kinda sad. I was leaving in a couple days for a 2 week vacation and I wouldn't have to opportunity to see him again till I got back.

We had drinks on the Friday and on the Sunday I left for my vacation. During the first week we texted across country (I was in Florida) once or twice a day. During the second week of my trip (I was in Vegas) we texted about a half dozen times a day and I even told him that if I won some money at the casino I would buy him a ticket to come join me. No luck there. During my final few days I let him know what day I would be returning and which ferry I would be on. So on May 16, 2010 I returned to Victoria. He was waiting for me at the ferry terminal to give me a ride home. Before he took me home though we both agreed we had missed each other too much and that we both wanted to start dating and see where it took us.
Sharing a pizza on a pitstop during our road trip.
We have been together ever since. At the time of this blog post we are only 4 months short of our two year anniversary. During our time together we have never been apart from each other for more than a week. And for the past 4.5 months we have been living together. Our life is a good one. It isn't perfect by any means but it is ours and we like it!