Thursday, February 16, 2012

Spring is coming!

So according to the groundhogs we are going to have an early Spring in 2012. I love that idea. As much as I enjoy snow I do not enjoy the cold very much.

So based on the groundhogs of Canada not seeing their shadows our Spring will be here soon. We will not have to worry about another 6 weeks of cold damp Winter weather.

Here in Victoria our Spring arrives earlier than most. By Valentine's Day we had flowers poking out of the ground and some of them already in bloom. In the picture above you can see one of the most common early Spring flowers we get in our area. These little flowers pop up everywhere. Their early Spring friends the Crocus are pushing their way up through the soil as well adding some wonderful colour.

Spring is such a beautiful time of  year. Typically it is the time when the browns, greys and blah colours of Winter are giving over to the multicoloured hues of Spring. I love the colours of the flowering season. It brings smiles to my face all the time. The only difference here in Victoria is that our Winter is a green one so when Spring comes around the green just becomes brighter and more vibrant.

I like taking picture of flowers and greenery around my gorgeous city. I will have to post some pictures along the way to show you our natural beauty as it unfolds. For now you can enjoy this little picture of the Snowdrops I took today on my walk.

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