Thursday, March 8, 2012

a BIG peeve of mine!

My least favorite word in the world is the "R" word. Now for those that have been around a while will probably know what the "R" word is that I am referring. For those that are not in the knowing the word I am talking about is "Retard".

I have worked with people with disabilities for 20 years or so. In those years I have developed a strong dislike of that word. You could even go so far to say that I HATE IT! You would too if you had to see how that particular word is often used and how it affects those who bear the brunt of the pain when the word is used against them.

I know that in the dictionary it is considered a 'proper' word with a definition. My Webster dictionary defines the word in the following ways:

  1. to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : to impede.
  2. to delay academic progress by failure to promote : to hinder.
Another entry states this:
  1. a holding back or slowing down : retardation.
Now I know it is a dictionary and it tries to explain things in a professional, non biased manner and when you look at the above definitions it doesn't look or sound too bad, but, when used in reference to someone it definitely isn't nice.

In some of the newer dictionaries that I have seen they used the word "retardate" to refer specifically to a challenged person. The Websters dictionary actually uses the phrase "a mentally retarded person" as the the definition. Even my medical dictionary published by Taber's uses the word "retardate" with  pretty much the same words.

The website uses a nicer definition that doesn't refer to a person at all. Urban on the other hand refers specifically to a person or people. It almost sounds like they are trying to be funny and make others who think like that feel like idiots but it is still not that great.
Dictionary. com - retard
Urban Dictionary - retard

I recently came across a website that talks about eliminating the word. I like their stance. On their website they encourage people to pledge to support the elimination of the derogatory use of  the r-word in everyday speech. It is all about promoting the acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities. It has some great ideas of how to go about doing your part. I had one of my friends connect me to them and I am happy she did. I encourage you to check it out.
R-word | Spread the Word to End the Word.

In my years working with those with disabilities you learn just how hurtful the word can be. If I hear the word being used I say something to that person. Depending on my impression of what they meant when they said it will determine how irate I get about it. I am willing to be forgiving about it if I am sure you were not being insulting or idiotic about it. I have a friend/former coworker that gets even more irate about it than I do and she is someone you don't want to make mad. She is less forgiving than I am.

There are rarely any good scenarios where you can use the word and not be offensive. If you are talking about scientific or medical procedures you might have cause to use the word in an appropriate manner but in everyday life and speech it is never appropriate.

So consider this my fair warning on the matter of the "R" word!

I will sic my friend on you!

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