Friday, March 9, 2012


It has been a really long day.
I have been awake since 5:30am, at work by 7am and was supposed to be finished work at 3pm.
I was called by staffing services and offered extra hours at overtime rates. I said yes.
I don't mind overtime as it nicely pads the paycheque but it definitely makes for a long work day.
Today I worked my regularly schedule 0700-1500 shift at my usual work site. Then I rode my bike from there to another work site on the other side of town (took me 30 minutes travel time) to do the overtime hours.
I was supposed to work until 2300 hrs but the RN was gracious and said I could leave an hour early.
Now it is almost 11pm and I am tired and really don't feel like writing much of a blog today.

Will do something more tomorrow.


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