Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I gots me some wheels!

1990 Toyota 4x4. Its a beater.
Actually my boyfriend got it for me (and him).

For the past six months his aunt has said that once she and her hubby get new vehicles then Danny boy could have their old truck. He has wanted this thing for ages. It is a 5-speed standard 1990 Toyota 4x4. It runs really well.

Most of the time I will be using it as I need to get around town and to/from work. I am used to walking, cycling and taking the bus so now I am enjoying the convenience of using a vehicle for the first time in a few years. Have only had it for less than a week but I have been driving everywhere! It does feel weird driving a truck as I am more used to cars; I rarely drove any trucks. In time it will feel like second nature.

Former Farmer's truck.
Dan's aunt and uncle own a little hobby farm up in Qualicum Beach area so you can possibly imagine the dirt and grime this truck had. The box had lots of mud and hay remnants. The interior had about an inch of dust and the windows were thick with a film that took a lot of wiping to remove. It did have a canopy as well but Dan isn't into canopies as he is planning on using the truck to transport his dirt bike around. A passion of his that he finally is able to indulge. Plus he can also get into 4x4ing around the boonies too. He has been making plans for this truck ever since his aunt said she was gonna give it to him. He even has some plans for camping this summer. I am still thinking about that. Not big on camping/roughing it. The truck is a bit of a beater but its motor has been tuned up and it works like a charm.

Me behind the wheel at a red light.
Today it was quite nice to drive around town looking at prices for a few things I want to get. Before I had to plan my day around the bus and walking so that I could be efficient and get it all done in time. In the period of an hour or so I had traversed from one end of town to the other making several stops to price check on a product or two. I even got other errands done along the way and I was still home in time for Dan to grab the truck to run an errand of his own. It's fun, especially when the weather is crap like it was today and it was nice to stay warm and dry as I traveled around town. The thrill will wear off soon as I am paying attention to the gas prices and I know that I will be conserving gas whenever I can. Prices are really getting high. Am glad the truck is not a gas guzzler! Dan has the benefit of a job that pays for his gas so some of that money will help fill the truck's tank but I will still have to pay my fair share.

So as the days go by we will definitely get our fair use of the truck. With plans for camping, 4x4ing and to take the truck/bike out dirt biking, we will have some great fun along the way. It is nice to have options.

I know that once my friends all start to realize that I now have use of a truck they are gonna want to ask for favours here and there that can only be accomplished with said truck! I already have one friend that will be moving soon and he is contemplating whether he will ask me or rent one. We will see....

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