Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Smoking versus Non-smoking

I am non-smoker, always have been. Never smoked anything in my life and never will.

The closest I have ever gotten to smoking anything is 2nd hand inhalation from other smokers, the deep inhalation of the smoke from a BBQ grilling the tastiest of meats, and campfire smoke as a kid that burned and made me cough for several minutes afterwards. The thought of being a smoker makes me nauseous. I really don't see how anyone could become one. Yes, yes I know Peer Pressure is a factor, but still, how does being cool and accepted equate to your breathe and clothes always smelling bad, the yellow stains on your fingers and teeth plus the grayish tinge to your skin because your body cannot absorb enough oxygen to keep your skin as healthy as it needs. There is also the growing expense.

I grew up in household with a mother and step-father that were smokers. Even my father and step-mother were heavy smokers. My dad's household was worse than my mother's. The constant haze in the air was nasty.

I can remember my mother doing a lot more than smoking; my mother had a lot of the less savory vices! My mother was someone that smoked, toked, drank and did recreational drugs. Of all the things she did it was the smoking that affected me the most. I figure it is because she did that more than all the rest of her bad habits.

I can only recall two times when she was not smoking. The first was when she was pregnant with me, she stated she knew it was bad and felt it was important to not smoke while pregnant. Little did she know that her smoking after I was born affected her breast milk and my tender lungs. The only other time was after she had her nervous breakdown. My mother found her personal faith in God to be her salvation and cure for her emotional issues that led to her nervous breakdown. She claimed it helped her to quit smoking and drinking, etc. God helped her kick all the bad habits out of her life. Years later she returned to smoking for a little while. I think she was going through something and smoking was her stress related response to it. I don't know if God helped her kick it to the curb again or not but that is irrelevant to me. Her and I don't talk.

Over the years as I have grown up I became used to the smoke around me. I grew up in a smoker's house, friends and family around me were smokers, and everywhere I went there were smokers. I just adjusted to it. One of my peeves as a young 20 something was coming home from the night club with my clothes smelling of cigarette smoke and my eyes stinging from the atmosphere in the bar. The only time I seemed to be 'okay' with it was when I was intoxicated. I loved everyone and everything then! Oh how times change...

Over the years I seem to have become less and less tolerant of it. I am not totally sure if it is because of my changing attitude towards it, I detest it more and more, or that my body is changing as I age and cannot handle it so much. I have gotten to the point that if someone is smoking around me I will hold my breath and walk some distance away to get fresh air so I can breathe. If I am exposed to 2nd hand smoke when I am not prepared I find that I have a difficult time breathing. It is almost like an allergy as my throat feels like it is closing up. I think that part is mostly in my head. The brain/mind is a mystery sometimes.

In all my years the only 2nd hand cigarette smoke that I found I could handle was the smoke from those clove cigarettes. I knew a guy who smoked the Djarum brand that were dipped or soaked in clove oil. Whenever he exhaled it smelled like cloves and it didn't affect me like a regular cigarette. It is a brand that seems to be more popular these days but with the advent of smoking bans in Canada I rarely come across many that smoke them. I tend to avoid most smokers anyways as I just don't want a lungful of their exhaled carcinogens. The Djarums may smell nice but they are still cigarettes.

I am a strong supporter of the laws we now have in Canada regarding smoking in public places. If you want to smoke then do it in your private homes/cars/places. If someone doesn't want to be around it then they have the choice to stay away from your environment. In public places that choice isn't always available.  If I could have my way I would want smoking eliminated completely. It is not healthy in any way. What was once something that the indigenous people did in moderation as part of certain ceremonies and occasions has become something horrendously unhealthy. Smoking is one of those things I can say with complete confidence, I HATE SMOKING.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate the smoker per se, there are some exceptions to that, it is the habit itself that I detest strongly. It is one of those disgusting habits that need to be eliminated. I applaud, support and cheer on those that have quit and are in the process of quitting. I understand it isn't easy but it is so worthwhile. The financial rewards and health benefits are tremendous for both you and those around you, especially those you love.

I could beat this topic to a pulp but I figure you understand my point and how I feel about it. I don't ask for your acceptance or agreement on this subject but if you do then I am happier. What you do and how you feel is your prerogative, this is mine.

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